Use "ceteris paribus" in a sentence

1. Ceteris paribus, a fast horse is better than a slow one.

2. Ceteris paribus , any investor who does not need money soon should prefer stocks to bonds.

3. It also predicts that, ceteris paribus, a real interest rate increase should appreciate the currency are provided.

4. Ceteris paribus, the elimination of excess labor is more substantial in smaller and more highly leveraged firms .

5. The tendency of many economists to sweep noneconomic factors into the dustbin of ceteris paribus is indeed regrettable.

6. 7 Ceteris paribus, deteriorating terms of trade means that the real exchange rate value of the domestic currency will fall.

7. We find that: Ceteris paribus, for the same level of earnings management, auditors issued a higher probability of modified audit opinions after the implementation of new auditing standards.