Use "cease fire" in a sentence

1. Cease fire!

2. Cease fire.

3. Both sides observed the cease-fire.

4. He ordered his men to cease fire .

5. The agreement provided for a cease-fire.

6. I expected the cease-fire to last.

7. 'Ceasefire' is an alternate term for 'cease fire'

8. The two groups agreed on a cease-fire.

9. 11 The cease - fire agreement inure from next Monday.

10. The incident ruptures a recent and fragile cease-fire.

11. He ordered his men to Cease fire (= stop shooting)

12. The two parties made a bargain to cease fire.

13. The new cease-fire breathes new life into these prospects.

14. The provision for observation of the cease - fire was boilerplate.

15. Cease fire. One hour... two. Just to evacuate our wounded.

16. Ceasefire es un término alternativo para cease fire

17. Sri Lanka has callously ignored calls for a humanitarian cease - fire .

18. Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire.

19. After the cease-fire, the situation in the capital got better.

20. It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.

21. It was announced that the groups have agreed to a cease-fire.

22. " Peace talk has begun, the two sides reach a cease fire agreement. "

23. The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.

24. On 29 January, Lon Nol proclaimed a unilateral cease-fire throughout the nation.

25. The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country.

26. An international group is trying to negotiate a cease-fire between the Belligerents

27. The apparent cease-fire between the two longtime rivals could face an immediate test.

28. 1949 – United Nations cease-fire takes effect in Kashmir from one minute before midnight.

29. They are reality for many couples whose relationship alternates between combat and cease-fire.

30. 18 The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country.

31. Hafiz Issail tersely informed me that Israel force had broken the young cease - fire .

32. And now you expect me to just accept your assurances of a cease-fire.

33. The cease-fire did not bind him, but its implications could not be ignored.

34. Feigning surprise, the British and French issued an ultimatum to both sides to cease fire.

35. I was straining to bring off a cease - fire in Cambodia before the Congress acted.

36. The discussion centres on a reasonable agreement about 'cease fire' between the two warring parties.

37. He says both want to see a cease - fire , disengagement and respect for Georgia's territorial integrity.

38. We had placed our trust in the Tet cease-fire, which the Vietcong had publicly requested.

39. Despite the cease-fire agreement reached under the Abuja Accords in September 1995, war continued apace.

40. To achieve that goal, I call upon all parties to agree to an immediate cease-fire.

41. There was to be a cease-fire, and all prisoners of war were to be repatriated.

42. Hence his offer this week of a new cease-fire and new peace talks with the rebels.

43. (July) Iran announces acceptance of UN resolution calling for cease-fire in eight-year-old Iran-Iraq war.

44. The organization blamed delaying tactics by Prime Minister John Major for its decision to end the cease-fire.

45. Admiral Lee ordered a cease fire about five minutes later after the northern group disappeared from his ship's radar.

46. Tovey could not cease fire until the Germans struck their ensigns or it became clear they were abandoning ship.

47. The cease - fire in Kashmir is endorsed and there is an acceptance of the need to talk with Pakistan .

48. Nobody really expected that the announcement of a unilateral cease-fire would bring an immediate end to the fighting.

49. The rest of you in Congress, put down your cudgels of sincerity and declare a cease-fire with the public.

50. THE world peace that God has in mind will involve far more than a global cease-fire or a nuclear stalemate.

51. It inked out the " without territorial limits " clause from its cease - fire agreement with the oldest insurgent group in the Northeast .

52. The pursuit of a cease-fire dominated a summit of world leaders in Moscow, meeting to discuss nuclear safety and arms proliferation.

53. Azerbaijani president lays out conditions for Armenia cease-fire Pompeo, others seek to cool down fighting before Russia, Turkey are pulled in

54. He also called for both sides to implement their June 20 agreement on Abyei and urged a cease-fire in Southern Kordofan.

55. The agreement they drew up had many provisions - specifying the cease - fire line , prohibiting certain activities by Iraqi troops , ending support for terrorism .

56. We hope that both sides will demonstrate the necessary political will to agree to a cease fire and return to the negotiating table.

57. Surrender, compromise with the regime, or a cease-fire means abandoning the path ordained by God and signifies an Abrogation of the faith.

58. The United States on 2 November won a vote of 64 to 5 in support of its motion calling for a cease-fire.

59. Israel - Syria Area, 1973 - Israeli Attack, 11-12 October and Arab Counterattacks Until the Cease-Fire Israel-Syria Area, 1973 - Combined Campaign in Sinai

60. " While you review the cease - fire , please do consider the fallout also . . . because I believe there is no cause ( for review ) , " pleaded Swaraj Kaushal .

61. It is tragic and ironical that his death came during a mission he was undertaking... in order to bring about cease fire in Katanga.

62. Armistices are always negotiated between the parties themselves and are thus generally seen as more binding than UN cease-fire resolutions in modern international law

63. No, the war ended with multiple bilateral Armistices and treaties and in some cases the battles lasted long after the formal cease-fire of 1918

64. With the signing of the Paris Peace Accords all American and third country forces were to be withdrawn within 60 days of the cease-fire.

65. Afghanistan’s High Peace Council says an immediate cease-fire is a top priority for the Afghan government negotiators in the second round of the intra-Afghan …

66. The agreement was ratified in January 1948 and recognised a cease-fire along the so-called 'Van Mook line'; which connected the most advanced Dutch positions.

67. The new year, 1953, brought no change in the negative results of the cease-fire talks begun at Kaesong 10 July 1951 and later moved to Panmunjom.

68. After the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, PAVN cut off the supply of arms to the Khmer Rouge, hoping to force them into a cease-fire.

69. The Irish Republican Army declared today that the organization will completely stop all military activities and implement an " unconditional and without time limit" cease fire from midnight tonight.

70. 27 August: Strike: The Maoist call for a three-day strike to denounce the Army's attacks on their cadres The Maoists unilaterally withdraw from the 29 January cease-fire.

71. 29 I have frequently been under fire on the tense Pakistani-Indian cease fire line, known as the Line of Control, that divided Kashmir into Indian and Pakistani-ruled portions.

72. Militant groups including the LTTE, although initially reluctant, agreed to surrender their arms to the IPKF, which initially oversaw a cease-fire and a modest disarmament of the militant groups.

73. armistice: 1 n a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms Synonyms: cease-fire , truce Type of: peace the state prevailing during the absence of war

74. After years of bitter fighting between Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims), Serbs, and Croats as well as the Yugoslav army, a NATO-imposed final cease-fire was negotiated at Dayton, Ohio, U.S., in 1995.

75. No Israeli leader-even the most dovish-has ever considered as compatible with Israel's security a return to the cease-fire line of a war that ended over a half-century ago.

76. Armistice: 1 n a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms Synonyms: cease-fire , truce Type of: peace the state prevailing during the absence of war

77. 2 days ago · Saudi Arabia Offers Cease-Fire in Yemen and Lifting of Blockade The Saudis described the proposal as a plan to end a nearly six-year-old war

78. 1 day ago · Saudi Arabia Offers Cease-Fire in Yemen and Lifting of Blockade The Saudis described the proposal as a plan to end a nearly six-year-old war

79. 2 days ago · Saudi Arabia has offered a Cease-fire proposal to Yemen’s Houthi rebels that includes reopening their country’s main airport in the kingdom’s latest attempt to halt years of fighting in a

80. 2 days ago · Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said Monday that the plan would include a nationwide Cease-fire, reopening Sanaa airport, and would allow fuel and food imports through