Use "careless mistake" in a sentence

1. Everybody blames me for my careless mistake.

2. A Blunder is a stupid or careless mistake

3. The professor lambasted me for my careless mistake.

4. A gross, stupid, or careless mistake: That's your second Blunder this morning.

5. Blunder definition, a gross, stupid, or careless mistake: That's your second Blunder this morning

6. This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.

7. Blunder definition, a gross, stupid, or careless mistake: That's your second Blunder this morning

8. He's not careless.

9. Be careless.

10. You've been careless.

11. I was careless.

12. She's careless about her spelling.

13. He is a careless profligate.

14. Because we were careless.

15. I was careless, I forgot

16. She's careless and accident prone.

17. She gave a careless shrug.

18. He maintained a hard, careless deportment.

19. But everyone got a little careless.

20. She had begun to grow careless.

21. Nothing can justify such careless mistakes.

22. Because we were careless just like you...

23. But the gods had been careless.

24. A careless driver is a danger.

25. He was told off for being careless.

26. Makes people seem uncoordinated, accident-prone, careless.

27. It's your own fault for being careless.

28. Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.

29. The pupil was told off for being careless.

30. He was niggled by her careless attitude.

31. You're being mighty careless with your mouth, son.

32. A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.

33. St. Clare was indolent and careless of money.

34. How could I have been so careless?

35. They demoted the careless waiter to busboy.

36. Don't be so careless about / with spelling.

37. The vehicles are accident-prone, the drivers are careless.

38. Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.

39. The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.

40. Definition of Blundering (adjective): extremely careless or stupid

41. The boss demoted the careless waiter to busboy.

42. Careless lions may be maimed when hunting prey.

43. The man so careless with rum and candles.

44. Careless in some situations, in others he proved punctilious.

45. Careless talk can be disastrous for a business.

46. It struck me as both desperate and careless.

47. It was careless of me to do so.

48. One careless move loses the whole game. 

49. He walked on, quite careless of the elements.

50. The careless wound and diabetes putrefy his leg.

51. The accident happened chiefly because you were careless.

52. He cursed himself for having been so careless.

53. 8 The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake.

54. Honest mistake, I'm sure.

55. 5 Sadly,( the text is marred by careless errors.

56. For a banker he was pretty careless with money!

57. He played a careless back pass to the goalkeeper.

58. Careless campers were blamed for starting the forest fires.

59. You are so careless that you may crumple the document.

60. I'm careless to kindle the firecracker, so I'm very unlucky.

61. Women and children can be careless, but not men.

62. You're making a mistake!

63. They made a mistake.

64. She made the other women look dowdy and careless.

65. 10 For perhaps five seconds , exaltation made him careless.

66. His mistake is quite unaccountable.

67. He admitted his guilt/mistake.

68. Whoops, that was a mistake.

69. 5 She was impulsive, self-absorbed and careless about the future.

70. He didn't realize his mistake.

71. He made that mistake unconsciously.

72. It is dogged does it. All day, but careless man.

73. Who today are like the “careless daughters” referred to by Isaiah?

74. Doors in Babylon’s wall had been left open by careless guards.

75. Mr. Carton's manner was so careless as to be almost insolent.

76. 26 – Analect 15.29, meaning: To make a mistake and change nothing, that is the mistake.

77. But emotion... can turn the most circumspect of men careless.

78. She was impulsive, self-absorbed and careless about the future.

79. He remonstrated to his wife that she was too careless.

80. 10 Nor are undertakers alone in careless and callous behaviour.