Use "carcinoembryonic" in a sentence

1. At the same time, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) and tumor specific growth factor (TSGF) were also measured by microparticle enzyme immune analysis, bio-antibody sandwich, and chemo-Chromatometry.

2. Carcinoembryonic antigen was expressed by 2 of the 3 biopsies Autoptically recognized as metastatic carcinomas and by 2 autopsy cases of PC, while it was absent in all biopsies of true choroid plexus tumors

3. On the contrary, an Ascitic fluid carcinoembryonic antigen >5 ng/mL or Ascitic fluid alkaline phosphatase >240 units/L has been shown to be accurate in detecting gut perforation into Ascitic fluid