Use "capital punishment" in a sentence

1. Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.

2. I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

3. Capital punishment is an emotive issue.

4. Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue.

5. 16 He was sentenced to capital punishment.

6. 11 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

7. 24 Do you believe in capital punishment?

8. 23 Capital punishment is an emotive issue.

9. 11 He's caved in on capital punishment.

10. 8 I don't agree with capital punishment.

11. 5 I'm strongly opposed to capital punishment.

12. 4 Most democracies have abolished capital punishment.

13. He advocates the return of capital punishment.

14. 14 Capital punishment is an explosive issue.

15. 15 Capital punishment is an explosive issue.

16. We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.

17. 3 He advocates the return of capital punishment.

18. 2 He argued in favour of capital punishment.

19. He argued powerfully and persuasively against capital punishment.

20. Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.

21. He was a prominent opponent of capital punishment.

22. 18 Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue.

23. Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.

24. 22 He argued powerfully and persuasively against capital punishment.

25. 6 Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.

26. How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?

27. They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

28. His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many.

29. 20 Do you have capital punishment in your country?

30. 19 He is strongly in favour of capital punishment.

31. 15 We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.

32. 1 Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.

33. 10 Capital punishment has no place in a modern society.

34. 17 His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many.

35. 7 They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

36. 9 How can you justify the employment of capital punishment?

37. 13 Evidence that capital punishment deters crime is pretty thin.

38. 21 People tend to have strong opinions on capital punishment.

39. 12 There are strong arguments for and against capital punishment.

40. But now focus on his remarks about punishment, even capital punishment.

41. 🔊 To death penalty opponents, capital punishment is a huge Atrocity

42. For various reasons many religious groups favor abolition of capital punishment.

43. 27 Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.

44. That includes applying the sword in the sense of employing capital punishment.

45. In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.

46. 26 The party is divided on/over the issue of capital punishment.

47. Some persons may consider society as having advanced by eliminating capital punishment.

48. 30 The case of Harris has sharpened the debate over capital punishment.

49. He moved an amendment limiting capital punishment to certain very serious crimes.

50. During that time there have been repeated attempts to reintroduce capital punishment.

51. We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.

52. What does the Bible indicate about capital punishment, the death penalty, for criminals?

53. I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

54. 29 In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.

55. Our eagerness for capital punishment echoes the mentality of the old slave code.

56. Most Austrians and many other Europeans Abhor capital punishment as cruel and inhumane

57. The back-to-back executions would quicken the pace of capital punishment in Maryland.

58. Reviews of earlier studies on the Brutalizing and deterrent effects of capital punishment are

59. 4 Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.

60. 28 Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.

61. But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned.

62. * Immediately reinstate a moratorium on executions and work toward complete abolition of capital punishment.

63. A paper by her in favor of the abolition of capital punishment attracted general attention.

64. 25 I don't really believe in capital punishment,( I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

65. This study sought to determine if a Brutalization effect existed in the capital punishment data

66. Her arguments are clearly slanted in favour of capital punishment, in spite of her religious convictions.

67. Beheading, a mode of executing capital punishment by which the head is severed from the body

68. This whole capital punishment thing is becoming a real pain in the neck for a civilized society.

69. State to have Abolished capital punishment, after its legislature voted to override a veto by Republican Gov

70. On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided.

71. Argue definition, to present reasons for or against a thing: He Argued in favor of capital punishment

72. This restoration included the rejection of oaths and capital punishment and the abstention from the exercise of magistracy .

73. The victims' demand for capital punishment has boomeranged on them, provoking sympathy for the person they most abhor.

74. For staunch opponents, there is mounting concern about a political and legal climate that more readily fosters capital punishment.

75. That's what's expected tonight at the Oxford Union, when former hangman, Syd Dernley speaks in favour of capital punishment.

76. Indeed, during the survey period, 10 countries had abolished capital punishment and three more had done so in 2004.

77. Moreover, death caused by poisoning, the most pre-meditated of all murders, was exempted from liability to capital punishment.

78. 5 The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment.

79. His delegation welcomed the trend towards abolitionism and called upon those States that still imposed capital punishment to abolish it.

80. Only one of the 32 totally abolitionist countries that did not reply to the sixth survey reverted to capital punishment.