Use "cannibalism" in a sentence

1. Materialists argue that ritualized Cannibalism took shape after acts of survival Cannibalism

2. -- Anthropophagy Today.-- Bone Appetite! Cannibalism for Kids.-- Cannibalism and the Colonial World (Cultural Margins).-- Cannibalism: Ecology and Evolution Among Diverse Taxa (Oxford Science Publications).-- Cannibalism: From Sacrifice to Survival

3. Rage, cannibalism, multiple fatalities.

4. Cannibalism (kăn`ĭbəlĭzəm) [Span

5. 10 Bible Verses about Cannibalism

6. What does Anthropophagy mean? Cannibalism

7. With human Cannibalism, what shocked me was how extensive medicinal Cannibalism was in Europe for hundreds of years

8. How do you not crash scene cannibalism?

9. 1 word related to Anthropophagy: cannibalism

10. Beresford cut the scenes of cannibalism.

11. Evidence of Cannibalism Found at Jamestown New evidence supports historical accounts that desperate Jamestown colonists resorted to Cannibalism

12. Anthropophagy definition: cannibalism Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

13. Anthropophagy definition, the eating of human flesh; cannibalism

14. In rare instances, " inversion " cannibalism has also occurred.

15. In other cases, ritual Cannibalism occurred as a …

16. A modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by cannibalism.

17. Funereal rituals involving Cannibalism have been well documented

18. Anthropophagism, anthropophagy the consumption of human flesh; cannibalism

19. Cannibalism by tribe of tupinamba in brazil - Cannibalism stock illustrations Menu from the Restaurant Julien in Paris, dated 4th May 1900

20. Cannibalism, the eating of human flesh by humans

21. The Outlaws of Marsh " described many cannibalism plots. "

22. Anthropophagy definition: cannibalism Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

23. Cannibalism might be humanity’s most sacred taboo, but consent

24. A person who practices Cannibalism is called a Cannibal.The meaning of "Cannibalism" has been extended into zoology to describe an individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food, including sexual Cannibalism.

25. R/Anthropophagy: A database of real-world acts of cannibalism

26. There's no Federal law, no Massachusetts law that criminalizes cannibalism.

27. The story is about cannibalism and burning people alive.

28. Much prion type diseases can be caused by cannibalism.

29. The war is just like the cannibalism of animals.

30. They cannibalism and sometimes eat their slain enemies raw.

31. They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive.

32. Corporate Cannibalism Definition Corporate Cannibalism is the reduction in sales volume or market share of a product after a new product has been introduced by …

33. Anasazi cannibalism: social control, ritual human sacrifice, and social pathology

34. Synonyms for Anthropophagy include cannibalism, flesh-eating and man-eating

35. It was spread because the tribespeople indulged in ritual cannibalism.

36. Cannibalism definition, the eating of human flesh by another human being

37. For decades official propaganda had lambasted capitalism as akin to cannibalism.

38. The Cannibalism you do see sometimes takes place because of environmental stresses

39. Cannibalism was the physical horror which accompanied the spiritual horror of apostasy

40. In the past, Cannibalism has been practiced by people suffering from famine or starvation, but this article will not cover any such cases, only people who have committed criminal Cannibalism

41. Tests Show Cannibalism Among Ancient Anasazis / But descendants of Southwest Indians dispute findings

42. Cannibalism is defined as the ingestion of members of one’s own species

43. The Comanches were not a gentle people, but they found cannibalism repulsive

44. Through cannibalism the invisible terror of annihilation emerges into the visible world.

45. Human Cannibalism is well documented, both in ancient and in recent times.

46. As a result, the genes for cannibalism would remain in the population.

47. In the Old Testament we learn that Cannibalism was a curse for wickedness.

48. Morality is the custom of one's country , Cannibalism is moral in a country.

49. A different, 51⁄2-minute shortened version of "Halleluhwah" would later appear on the compilation Cannibalism in 1978 while the single's A-side remained out-of-print until its inclusion on 1992's Cannibalism 2.

50. “Sex and Cannibalism: The Politics of Carnal Relations between Europeans and American ‘Anthropophagites.’” In To Feast on Us as Their Prey: Cannibalism in the Early Modern Atlantic edited by Rachel Herrmann

51. At this point cannibalism was considered atrocious and sacrilegious in the developed world.

52. Morality is the custom of one '; s country; cannibalism is moral in a cannibal country.

53. Cannibalism definition is - the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being.

54. Mar 11, 2021 - Anthropophagy, Cannibals, Long, Pig, Cannibalistic Tribes, Shrunken Heads, Cannibalism, Head Hunters

55. The rate of Cannibalism increases in nutritionally poor environments as individuals turn to conspecifics as an

56. Our proposed explanation for Anasazi cannibalism combines…social control, ritual human sacrifice, and social pathology

57. The practice of Cannibalism among the people of New Guinea came to an end in 1960

58. The incidence of the disease has dropped sharply since the practice of cannibalism has been abandoned.

59. “Sex and Cannibalism: The Politics of Carnal Relations between Europeans and American ‘Anthropophagites.’” Essay featured in To Feast on Us as Their Prey: Cannibalism in the Early Modern Atlantic edited by Rachel Herrmann (forthcoming from University of Arkansas Press, February 2019).

60. Creophagous flesh-eating; carnivorous detritivore animal that eats decomposing organic matter dysphagia pathological difficulty in swallowing endophagy cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within entomophagous eating insects equivorous consuming horseflesh exophagy cannibalism outside one's own group foliophagous

61. Cannibalism is virtually ubiquitous in nature and occurs in a wide variety of social and ecological contexts

62. Cannibalism has been ritualized in some pagan cultures as part of a religious ceremony or cultural superstition

63. Cannibalism, also called anthropophagy, eating of human flesh by humans. The term is derived from the Spanish name (Caríbales, or Caníbales) for the Carib, a West Indies tribe well known for its practice of Cannibalism

64. In some cultures, Cannibalism involved eating parts of one’s enemies in order to take on their

65. Around the 16th century in English-speaking countries, the term Cannibalism began replacing the Latin-derived term

66. A community may even oscillate between tender parental care and cannibalism of its offsprings according to requirements .

67. This is called Anthropophagy or cannibalism, and is a time-honored custom among some of the tribes of Africa.

68. Adult worms also become more active between 90 - 100 % RH Keeping the culture moist also prevents cannibalism.

69. Cannibalism occurs in many species and has been a part of human culture for thousands of years

70. Corporate Cannibalism is an act of self-infringement upon market share by corporations through the issuance of new products

71. Within the field of psychology there is a debate on what factors lead a person to practice criminal Cannibalism.

72. A widespread custom going back into early human history, Cannibalism has been found among peoples on most continents.

73. Cannibalism, the killing and consumption of Conspecifics, can even occur in insect species typically considered to be non‐carnivorous

74. The painting inspired Andrade’s “Anthropophagite Manifesto,” which described Brazil’s digestion and transformation of European culture in terms of cannibalism.

75. 11 The result is a society that was in dire straits because its cannibalism turned against itself, involving even small children.

76. Liverpool magistrates heard that the illegal videos he sold to dealers all over Britain included scenes of cannibalism and disembowel ment.

77. Human Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings

78. The painting inspired Andrade’s “Anthropophagite Manifesto,” which described Brazil’s digestion and transformation of European culture in terms of cannibalism

79. It is not surprising that the mortality due to feather pecking, cannibalism and parasitic diseases can be disturbingly high.

80. Cannibalism of viable eggs, embryos, and young has been a pervasive force in the evolution of parental care and mating systems.