Use "canaliculate" in a sentence

1. The petiole itself is Amplexicaul, canaliculate (grooved lengthwise), and up to 7 cm long.

2. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules 0.5 cm long, ovate, pubescent, caducous and leaving annular scar; petioles 1-3 cm long, canaliculate, pubescent when young; lamina 5- 12.7 x 1.2-6.4 cm, ovate or elliptic, apex caudate-acuminate to caudate with blunt tip, base cuneate-acute, margin entire, Coriaceous, shining above; midrib raised above

3. Leaves indistinguishable from the scape bracts, forming a lax rosette before anthesis but rosette soon disappearing due to the early elongation of the stem and absent at anthesis; sheaths inconspicuous; blades narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, ending in an acicular and pungent spine, 11-18 cm long, 2.2-3.3 cm wide at base, suberect-recurved to subspreading, Coriaceous, canaliculate, densely and