Use "calcaneus" in a sentence

1. The calcaneus plate system of the present invention comprises: a calcaneus plate; and a locking screw to be fastened to the internal thread of the calcaneus plate.

2. What does Calcanei mean? Plural form of calcaneus

3. The plural form of calcaneus is Calcanei or calcanea

4. These include the patella, the calcaneus, and most Apophyses

5. There are four variations of Clubfoot: talipes varus, talipes valgus, talipes equines, and talipes calcaneus.

6. Calcaneal apophysitis, also known as Sever disease, is the painful inflammation of the Apophysis of the calcaneus

7. Cannulated screw fixation and plate fixation have similar fixation effectiveness and functional outcomes in the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneus fractures

8. "Arterialized" means: A blood smear is: The calcaneus is a bone located in the: This is the abbreviation for a pulmonar….

9. Os Calcanei accessorium (os trochleare, os talocalcaneale laterale) is located near the trochlear process of the calcaneus on the fibular aspect just distal to the fibular malleolus

10. This report on the ACTA Scanner emphasizes diseases of the extremities (calcaneus fracture, acetabulum injuries, bone pathology, and soft-tIssue tumors) and the effects future development will have on surgical diagnosis.

11. Cantonese Constance absolutes accentual accusable accusants acescents aculeates Acutances acuteness albescent aloneness assonance bluecoats bluenoses bluestone bluntness boletuses butanones cablecast calcaneus canescent canoeable canulates cascabels cascables cassoulet cetaceans cetaceous cleanness coalesces constable consulate cosecants

12. The seven tarsal Bones are: Calcaneus: The largest bone of the foot, it is commonly referred to as the heel of the foot.; Talus: This bone creates the lower portion of the ankle joint.; Cuboid

13. Treatment of adult instable drop foot by modified Lambrinudi arthrodesis (removal of a wedge between the talus and calcaneus), followed by a posterior tibial tendon transfer to the medial cuneiform in order to provide active dorsiflexion.

14. Originating from the bottom surface of the calcaneus, adjacent to the Processus medialis tuberis Calcanei, the long plantar ligament forms a flat, fibrous ligament that attaches at the base of the second to fifth metatarsal bones, and the posterior cuboid bone

15. Skedros then realized that the Artiodactyl calcaneus could be historically linked to Wolff’s law — it was a natural paradigm of Culmann’s cantilever (Cowin, 2001; Skedros and Baucom, 2007); see our paper on this website in “Publications”.

16. Identify Coalition between anterior process of calcaneus and navicular bones and confirm with fluorscopy excise bar with saw or osteotomes, which leaves defect ~1cm in size interpose fat, bone wax or portion of extensor digitorum brevis muscle into defect

17. Carpals: Shortl bones in hand near wrist: MetaCarpals: Miniture long bones in the hand: Tarsals: Short bones in the foot: Calcaneus: Heal bone: Sacrum: Fused vertebraes at the bottom of the spine: Coccyx: Tail bone: Zygomatic: Cheek bone: Mandible: Jaw bone: Maxilla: Bone that holds upper teeth: Frontal: Forehead: Occipital: Back of the head