Use "caatinga" in a sentence

1. Byzantian, byzantine, byzantinesque, byzantinism, Byzantinize, caam, caama, caaming, caapeba, caatinga

2. Our objective with this systematic review was to identify Biodiverse food plants occurring in the Caatinga biome, Brazil

3. Our objective with this systematic review was to identify Biodiverse food plants occurring in the Caatinga biome, Brazil, strategic for the promotion of food and nutrition security.

4. Caatinga cabalism cabalist caballed caballer cabarets cabbaged cabbages cabbagey cabbalah cabbalas cabernet cabestro cabezone cabezons cabildos cabinets cabining cableway cAblings cabobbed caboceer caboched cabochon cabombas caboodle cabooses caboshed cabotage cabresta cabresto cabretta cabrilla cabriole …