Use "burn up" in a sentence

1. 25 Our engine's gonna burn up!

2. NAS: but He will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable KJV: he will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable INT: and [the] Chaff he will burn up with fire

3. Their burn-up is much higher.

4. 22 That's impossible ! It will burn up.

5. Most burn up harmlessly, as shooting stars.

6. 26 Let's burn up all this waste paper.

7. 10 Most burn up harmlessly, as shooting stars.

8. The inflatable structure should burn up within days.

9. Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply

10. 21 Burn up the thorns of all my sins.

11. 9 The inflatable structure should burn up within days.

12. 23 Stuff bursts flame and starts to burn up.

13. 2 Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.

14. “I will burn up her war chariots in smoke,+

15. Bicycling can burn up to 700 calories an hour.

16. I'm going to burn up all the rubbish/trash.

17. Yuri will burn up, if you don't change his trajectory.

18. 1 I'm going to burn up all the rubbish/trash.

19. 20 Those who burn up the road often cause accidents.

20. 19 This machine is designed to burn up if overused.

21. Jehovah “will burn up [Nineveh’s] war chariot in the smoke.

22. 24 Memorize the password,[] they burn up the paper.

23. 12 Women tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.

24. 4 The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.

25. Did Zenaida burn up, poisoned herself by the robe of prickly pear?

26. 16 This gives your body more time to burn up the calories.

27. They pulse through my organs and legs and burn up my ears.

28. 8 The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.

29. 13 Did Zenaida burn up, poisoned herself by the robe of prickly pear?

30. 5 The station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.

31. 7 Meteorites often burn up in the atmosphere before they reach the earth.

32. 8 Did Zenaida burn up, poisoned herself by the robe of prickly pear?

33. One who is very active may burn up an additional 900 calories or so.

34. 3 Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.

35. 8 The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.

36. 27 Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.

37. 28 Women - rather unfairly I feel - tend to burn up calories less efficiently than men.

38. The pitchforks and torches can tear down and burn up but they can't build up.

39. 6 The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.

40. 11 However, stars more massive than the sun will burn up their fuel much more rapidly.

41. And these insects do not burn up anywhere near the fuel used by man’s flying machines.

42. For inventory changes of type NP or NL in nuclear reactors, burn-up in MWdays/tonne

43. 17 They tear our houses down, burn up our worldly possessions, and sometimes even kill us.

44. 18 Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.

45. By far the majority of these burn up in the atmosphere, becoming bright flashes of light called meteors.

46. He will gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire."

47. (Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible) The fires were kept burning by adding sulfur to burn up the refuse.

48. At the same time, the high burn-up achieved reduces the annual amount of spent nuclear fuel by 50 %.

49. 14 Millions burn up their free hours on one service, then hop to another to grab more free hours.

50. 29 The only alternative, says Professor Durnin, is to try to burn up more energy by being physically active.

51. Fortunately, by far the majority of these burn up in the atmosphere, becoming bright flashes of light called meteors.

52. 30 The harder and faster they work. the more calories they will burn up and the leaner they will become.

53. Due to the burn-up of the poison material, the negative reactivity of the Burnable poison decreases over core life.

54. Most meteoroids burn up completely before they reach the earth, but some survive the intense heat and reach the earth’s surface.

55. An overall burn up level (G1-G3) is determined for each contact (3-5) and a control circuit (17) is added.

56. 15 It takes your body about an hour to burn up one unit of alcohol, such as half a pint of beer.

57. He carries a winnowing shovel in his hand and will gather the wheat into his storehouse but will burn up and destroy the chaff.’

58. (2:13) Yes, Jehovah will burn up Nineveh’s war machine, send a sword to devour her young lions, and cut off her prey from the earth.

59. Meteorite Craters are more common on the Moon and Mars and on other planets and natural satellites than on Earth, because most meteorites either burn up in

60. After unloading, the space vehicle will be loaded with waste from the space station and will burn up in a controlled mode during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

61. Luke 3:17 N-ANS GRK: τὸ δὲ ἄχυρον κατακαύσει πυρὶ NAS: but He will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable KJV: but the Chaff he will burn INT: and [the] Chaff …

62. I left John with the baby, and some biscuits in the oven; and I can't stay a moment, else John will burn up all the biscuits, and give the baby all the sugar in the bowl.

63. + 17 His winnowing shovel is in his hand to clean up his threshing floor completely and to gather the wheat into his storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.”

64. In the interest of efficiency, safety and security, the fuels for these reactor systems must surpass the performance achieved in the past, either by achieving higher burn up and/or by the incorporation of minor actinide elements.

65. + 12 His winnowing shovel is in his hand, and he will clean up his threshing floor completely and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but the chaff he will burn up with fire+ that cannot be put out.”

66. Now, missiles or arrows tipped with pitch and then set ablaze were used not only to burn up engines of war but they were intended also to stick in wooden shields and set them afire, obliging soldiers under enemy attack to throw away their shields.

67. Combustion (n.) "action or process of burning," early 15c., from Old French Combustion (13c.) and directly from Latin Combustionem (nominative Combustio) "a burning," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin comburere "to burn up, consume," from com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + *burere, based on a faulty separation of amburere "to burn around," which is properly