Use "british mandate" in a sentence

1. Well, when the British mandate over Palestine expired in 1948, the Jews seized part of that territory and set up the Republic of Israel.

2. Since the British Mandate, the term "Palestine" has been associated with the geographical area that currently covers the State of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

3. He was the first Israeli president to be Sephardi and born in Jerusalem, then within the British Mandate for Palestine, while all previous presidents were born in, and immigrated from, the Russian Empire.

4. Jews from Muslim and Arabic countries only feature in this history timeline at the beginning of the many Aliyoth - Jewish migrations to Israel, when the two groups literally appeared on the map of a Jewish state: in British Mandate Palestine, now known as Israel.17 In reality, the “story” of the Sephardim and Mizrahim starts much earlier.

5. Southern Cameroons was the southern part of the British mandate territory of British Cameroons in West Africa.Since 1961 it has been part of the Republic of Cameroon, where it makes up the Northwest Region and Southwest Region.Since 1994, pressure groups in the territory claim there was no legal Document (Treaty of Union) in accordance to UNGA RES 1608(XV) paragraph 5, and are seeking to

6. Nosson Tzvi Finkel (1849 in Raseiniai, Russian Empire – 1927 in the British Mandate of Palestine), also known as Nota Hirsch or Natan Tzvi Finkel, was an influential Lithuanian Jewish leader of Orthodox Judaism in Eastern Europe and founder of the Slabodka yeshiva, in the town of Vilijampolė (a suburb of Kaunas).He is also known by the Yiddish appellation der Alter ("the Elder") and as the