Use "bring down inflation" in a sentence

1. We are determined to bring down inflation.

2. The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.

3. Bring her down, bring her down.

4. Inflation will be down to three percent.

5. Bring me down, guys.

6. The prime aim is to keep inflation down.

7. Bring that ship down.

8. 7 The prime aim is to keep inflation down.

9. The Indian economy slowed down and inflation edged up.

10. Inflation has come down twice in the last month.

11. I can bring it down.

12. Inflation, around 12%, is lowish but bothersome. Economic distress need not bring unrest.

13. Consumer Price Index inflation edged down to 8 % in March.

14. The government has announced it will bear down on inflation.

15. They'll bring the fever right down.

16. She'll bring trouble down on herself.

17. He can bring down a plane.

18. 4 The government has announced it will bear down on inflation.

19. Printing money would worsen inflation, debauch the currency and bring a balance - of - payments crisis.

20. This scandal could bring down the government.

21. Nomadic hunters bring down rabbits, gathering food.

22. If we don't bring it down fast-

23. A humble pawn can bring down kingdoms.


25. Then you must bring down your flag.

26. We are gonna bring this place down.

27. The scandal may bring down the government.

28. They're trying to bring down Roshan - all 5.

29. With the guns that the guard bring down.

30. So I would say: bring down these walls.

31. He turns, it won't just bring Fisk down.

32. This crisis could bring down the British government.

33. He'll need help to bring the computer down.

34. You can see muscles pulling down at flesh to bring her eyebrows down.

35. Aggregate net cash income in Canada has trended down after adjusting for inflation.

36. The trade deficit will grow, pushing the peso down, which will raise inflation.

37. Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is that you don't manage your attitude.

38. Per capita personal income is down after inflation and taxes are taken into account

39. He is determined to bring down the Iraqi strongman.

40. But she can't bring down a screen like mine.

41. Failure vote of confidence could bring down the government.

42. Let's subtract, get a 1, bring down the 0.

43. Let's bring the sound down just a decibel, please.

44. What kind of device could bring down the wall?

45. And the firefight will bring down half the army.

46. To lower; put or bring down: He Abased his head

47. Tell them how to bring those sons of bitches down.

48. The dealers have been asked to bring down their prices.

49. We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.

50. Just take the bass down and bring up the vocals.

51. I can bring their fever down and keep them stable.

52. Go down to my bedroom,and bring a clean shirt.

53. Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?

54. These dreadful people bring down the tone of the neighbourhood.

55. As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down.

56. She could not bring herself to fall down the house stairs.

57. To help Valliant bring down that son of a bitch Hostetler!

58. A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.

59. They could break rock and bring down eagles with their arrows.

60. When multiplying numbers ending in nought , bring down the noughts first.

61. Its critics, however, counter that globalization can also bring down economies overnight.

62. So first, this first coefficient, we literally just bring it straight down.

63. At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government.

64. He must know that I shall bring down some vessels from Orkney.

65. We would bring the herd down off the mountain in the fall.

66. Retailers will have to mark down prices sharply to bring in sales.

67. Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.

68. When are they going to bring down the price of DVD players?

69. That will bring his fluidic temperature down and allow this to pass.

70. 23 For I know that you will bring me down to death,

71. Secret negotiations are under way with jailed mobsters to bring him down.

72. Even two wolves would find it a struggle to bring it down.

73. Go on down there with the boys and bring home some supper.

74. A modest rise would help to hold down inflation and so reduce the need to raise interest rates.

75. He called for expanding the use of digital transactions to bring down corruption.

76. They bring the cattle up in May and take them down in September.

77. You then bring your hands down and show that the birds have flown.

78. Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees.

79. LPG receipt through pipeline will bring down movement of LPG tankers on roads.

80. Washable carpets, acoustic ceiling and fabric wall covering help bring down the decibels.