Use "breeding ground" in a sentence

1. You're a breeding ground for infection.

2. Major emperor penguin Breeding ground gone barren since 2016

3. The federation is a breeding ground for such termites

4. Well that's going to be a breeding ground for compassion.

5. In both cases the standing water serves as a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.

6. Researchers warn that malnourished people may be a breeding ground for more dangerous infectious diseases.

7. The lake is an important breeding ground for the Armenian gull (Larus armenicus) with about 4,000–5,000 pairs.

8. Basically, your Crotch is a breeding ground for the fungus that causes jock itch, especially after a sweaty workout

9. You've got places like Iraq, which is suffering from a high level of sectarian violence, again a breeding ground for terrorism.

10. Because drainage is poor, rainwater accumulates in these environments, creating a breeding ground for the larva of mosquitoes, which carry malaria.

11. Booklice is able to live wherever moisture takes hold, so anyplace, which is humid, warm, and dark, is a possible breeding ground

12. Fort Detrick: From Biowarfare To Biodefense Once used as a breeding ground for biological weapons, Fort Detrick, Md., now focuses its efforts …

13. 'Not to become a breeding ground for medical experimentation:' Tensions between Aurists and Educators, 1815-1830 British Deaf History Society Journal , 2013 Jaipreet Virdi

14. The first phase is the alevin stage, when the fish stay in the breeding ground and use the remaining nutrients in their yolk sacs.

15. When Animals in the wild are threatened by loss of habitat, zoos can help provide a "safety net" and breeding ground for endangered populations

16. The Breeding pair population has increased significantly at a nearby Breeding ground, but the study's author said it is nowhere near the amount missing at Halley Bay

17. Nevertheless, at least two types of indirect linkage between events in the Middle East and the new international terrorism can be discerned. First, there is no doubt that on the ground the accumulated frustration, failure and despair in Palestine, but also the Arab world as a whole, create a breeding ground from which terrorist groups can easily recruit suicide bombers.