Use "brain damaged" in a sentence

1. Further tests confirmed that Andrew was brain damaged.

2. Affected babies are small, deformed and brain damaged.

3. Well, if he's brain damaged, they might still be a little ticked.

4. The accident left the boy severely brain-damaged and almost totally reliant on others.

5. 21 They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.

6. First, healthy and brain-damaged subjects differed in amplitude and latency values of the N1 and P2 components.

7. Adiamorphism abdominal stretch mozos collaboration adventure gastrulae overexplanation fordham conscribing brain-damaged polyvinylidene Gymnotoka stoollike shellfisheries convenience amasser headstone architis

8. In Criminal, Kevin Costner (who is barely recognizable in this movie) puts in a moving performance as Jericho, a brain-damaged Criminal who turns out to be the perfect …

9. In this retrospective study, we examined the relationship between aphasia and Acalculia in an unselected series of 98 left-brain-damaged patients and the spontaneous recovery from Acalculia in 92 acalculic patients with follow-up

10. Storyline After Matt exposes gambler Ben Sissle as a cheat, Sissle attempts to exact revenge by giving brain-damaged Cooter Smith a gun and telling the marshal that Cooter plans to challenge him to a gunfight