Use "brahmana" in a sentence

1. Brahmana synonyms, Brahmana pronunciation, Brahmana translation, English dictionary definition of Brahmana

2. Sometimes transliterated as: Aitareya Brahmana, Aitareya Brahmana, Aitareya Braahmana

3. The child born of a Brahmana in the womb of a Brahmana wife is known as a Brahmana." (Harita Smrti 1.12.15) REFUTATION: Let us first examine what a Brahmana is, by stating the qualities of a Brahmana

4. Shukla-Yajurveda : (1) Madhyandina Shatapatha Brahmana and (2) Kanva Shatapatha Brahmana are available

5. The Brahmana Samooham Bangalore

6. Krishna-Yajurveda : (1) Taittiriya Brahmana is available

7. Jaiminiya Brahmana (JB) is the principal Brahmana of the Jaiminiya shakha, divided into three kandas (sections)

8. Chandogya Brahmana is divided into ten prapathakas (chapters).

9. The Shatapatha Brahmana consists of a hundred adhyayas (chapters), and is the most cited and famous among the Brahmana texts

10. What does Brahmana mean? Information and translations of Brahmana in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

11. The Brahmana practice is about energy management

12. Definition of Brahmana in the dictionary

13. Brahmana is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda

14. What does Brahmanas mean? Plural form of Brahmana

15. The Brahmana-Ideal is oft repeated: “The indications of a Brahmana are purity, good behaviour and compassion unto all creatures.” (12.182.17) [vi] Thus Brahmana is a secular ideal and an ideal for all human beings

16. Brahmana Karivena Satram in Varanasi is in the Bangali Tola area, Brahmana Karivena Satram in Rameshwaram is one of the best places to stay near the Rameshwaram temple.

17. But this is not what Brahmana practice is about

18. The word Brahmana is a commonly used Sanskrit word

19. Kaum Brahmana tidak suka kekerasan yang disimbolikan dengan tidak memakan …

20. Certain postures, like backbends, intrinsically build the energy of Brahmana

21. Satapatha Brahmana menyebut tentang Kurma, Matsya, Varaha dan Vamana Avatara.

22. Brahmana Telugu Movie Theatrical Trailer exclusively on Telugu Filmnagar ft

23. This is the main index for the Satapatha Brahmana translation

24. Arsheya Brahmana is an index to the hymns of Samaveda

25. The Brahmana portion of the Veda deals with Karma kānda

26. The Shatapatha Brahmana (शतपथ ब्राह्मण śatapatha brāhmaṇa, "Brahmana of one hundred paths", abbreviated ŚB) is one of the prose texts describing the Vedic ritual, associated with the Shukla Yajurveda

27. Secondly, in Hinduism, though Brahmana is an Adarsha (Ideal), it is …

28. The gods love the mysterious--Satapatha Brahmana, 6:7:1:23

29. Facebook page for updates on events at The Brahmana Samooham, Bangalore (Regd.)

30. The entire Taittiriya Brahmana in Devanagari is downloadable in one single file as tb-deva.pdf (2.5 MB) A searchable file in transliteration of the entire Taittiriya Brahmana is downloadable as tb-find.pdf (1 MB) A combined file of the entire Taittiriya Brahmana containing the text in both Devanagari and transliteration,

31. The Brahmana was forbidden to disclose this incident, and the baby returned to …

32. Once in a town named Puru-kutsapura there lived a brahmana called Pingala.

33. Who is a real Brahmana? There is a deep-rooted misconception prevailing in the society regarding the four social orders of Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra as per the Hindu religion

34. The loss of my Brahmana initiation thread etched a fault across my heart.

35. The translated part of the Pravargya Brahmana of the Taittiriya Aranyaka can be ordered online: 1) by Jan Houben: The Pravargya Brahmana of the Taittiriya Aranyaka: An Ancient Commentary on the Pravargya Ritual (9788120808683): Jan E

36. Brahmana Karivena Satram in Vijayawada is best for those visiting the Kanakadurga temple

37. Brahmana Karivena Satram in Tirumala Tirupati is not far from the railway station

38. It was also my service to place a new Brahmana thread on his desk every month.

39. The Aitareya Brahmana (Sanskrit: ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण) is the Brahmana of the Shakala Shakha of the Rigveda, an ancient Indian collection of sacred hymns.This work, according to the tradition, is ascribed to Mahidasa Aitareya.

40. The word Brahmana may mean either the utterance of a Brahman (priest) or an

41. Devatadhyaya or Daivata Brahmana comprises 3 khandas, having 26, 11 and 25 kandikas respectively

42. Taken as a whole, this Brahmana is a mine of important data and noteworthy narratives

43. The Satapatha Brahmana of the Yajur Veda is the most important of all the Brahmanas

44. Brahmana definition, one of a class of prose pieces dealing with Vedic rituals and sacrifices

45. Brahmana definition is - one of a class of Hindu sacred writings composed around the 9th to 6th centuries b.c

46. Therefore, I was excited to obtain His Divine Grace's prasadam thread and resume my transcendental Brahmana connection.

47. Samavidhana Brahmana, and the following Samaveda "Brahmanas" are in Sutra style; it comprises 3 prapathakas

48. The Brahmana then began to cry, but since everyone was fast asleep, no one could hear him

49. [4] Jaiminiya Arsheya Brahmana is also an index to the hymns of Samaveda, belonging to the Jaiminiya shakha.

50. At that time the baby Nimai appeared before the fortunate Brahmana and disclosed His identity as Krsna Himself

51. The Satapatha Brahmana is a Hindu sacred text which describes details of Vedic rituals, including philosophical and mythological background.

52. Practices that promote Brahmana increase vitality and build energy in the body; those that foster langhana are grounding and calming

53. The widely used meaning of the word brahmana is a person belonging to the social strata or caste of Brahmanas

54. Brahmana definition: any of a number of sacred treatises added to each of the Vedas Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

55. In this period, states Samuel, emerged the Brahmana and Aranyaka layers of Vedic texts, which merged into the earliest Upanishads.

56. The widely used meaning of the word Brahmana is a person belonging to the social strata or caste of Brahmanas

57. Alternate Spellings: Brahman, Brahmana Examples: "Some people believe that the Buddha himself, Siddharta Gautama, was a member of a Brahmin family

58. Brahmana adalah salah satu golongan karya atau warna dalam agama Hindu.Mereka adalah golongan cendekiawan yang menguasai ajaran, pengetahuan, adat, adab hingga keagamaan

59. Yudhishthira: A Brahmana is one who possesses the qualities of truthfulness, generosity, forbearance, good conduct, total absence of cruelty, self-control and compassion

60. The seventh Brahmana discusses how and why the soul interconnects and has the oneness through all organic beings, all inorganic nature, all of universe.

61. According to Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (18.42), the qualities of a Brahmana are as follows — samo damas tapah saucam ksantir arjavam eva ca

62. Brahmana is a dubbed version of Kannada movie Shivam and it is a action entertainer written and directed by Dandupalyam fame Srinivasa Raju

63. When Bharata left that place, both trees dried up and died. The two souls living in those trees took their next births as daughters of a pious brahmana.

64. If one is feeling sluggish or lazy then encouraging Brahmana by practicing a stimulating asana sequence will energize the body, bringing it back into harmony.

65. Each of the four Vedas, the basic scriptures of Hinduism, is generally divided into four parts: the Samhita, the Brahmana, the Aranyaka and the Upanisad

66. Janamejaya said, "Why did the adorable Arshtishena undergo the Austerest of penances? How also did Sindhudwipa acquire the status of a Brahmana? How also did Devapi, O Brahmana, and how Vishvamitra, O best of men, acquire the same status? Tell me all this, O adorable one! Great is my curiosity to listen to all these."

67. Summary: The English translation of the Satapatha Brahmana, including annotations and footnotes.The Sanskrit Brahmanas are commentaries on the Vedas, detailling the vedic rituals and various legends

68. Brahmana in Hinduism, any of the lengthy commentaries on the Vedas, composed in Sanskrit c.900–700 bc and containing expository material relating to Vedic sacrificial ritual

69. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, we find the example of the Avanti brahmana who, upon reflecting about the miseries others had inflicted upon him, had an amazing realization.

70. The various discussions that used to take place during the Brahmana period, concerning the several aspects of the sacrificial religion, gave rise to the Mimamsa system of philosophy

71. For example, the first chapter of the Chandogya Brahmana, one of the oldest Brahmanas, includes eight suktas (hymns) for the ceremony of marriage and rituals at the birth of a child

72. In the sixth and eighth Brahmana of the third chapter in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad is the dialogue between Gargi Vachaknavi – the female Vedic sage, and Yajñavalka, on the nature of universe

73. When one thinks of a Brahmana practice that is supposed to build and energize the system, it is easy to conjure images of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), challenging standing poses and fast flows

74. Brahmana, any of a number of prose commentaries attached to the Vedas, the earliest writings of Hinduism, explaining their significance as used in ritual sacrifices and the symbolic import of the priests’ actions

75. The Brahmanas and Aranyakas Attached to each Samhita was a collection of explanations of religious rites, called a Brahmana, which often relied on mythology to describe the origins and importance of individual ritual acts.

76. There is a Brahmana for each Vedic school (shakha) and they are all written in Vedic Sanskrit.Together, the Brahmanas form a rich collection of teachings on ritual and the hidden meanings of the Vedic texts.

77. ‘Mention about river Saraswati could be found in the Vedic and ancient literature such as Rigveda, Brahmana and Srautasutra, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagvat Purana and Vamana Purana.’ ‘The Brahmanas are rituals and prayers to guide the priests in their duties.’

78. With reference to consciousness, Brahmana comprises the specific sets of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Chhandas — the object of observation, which hides the dynamism of Devata in the witnessing quality of Rishi--within the Samhita level

79. The Archaeological Survey of India, which conducted the excavation, opines that "the kind of design that is of spoked wheel and unspoked wheel also remind one of the Sararata-chakra-citi and sapradhi-rata-chakra-citi mentioned in the Satapatha Brahmana and Sulba-sutras".

80. As butter is in curd, Brahmana among bipeds, the Aranyaka among the Vedas, and nectar among medicines; as the sea is eminent among receptacles of water, and the cow among quadrupeds; as are these (among the things mentioned) so is the Bharata said to be among histories.