Use "border trade" in a sentence

1. 2 Key words: supply chain, border trade , NAFTA.

2. The Ming dynasty closed border-trade and killed his envoys.

3. Question: We had agreed to open a lot of border trade points.

4. • identify impediments to cross-border trade of agricultural products and recommend mutually acceptable solutions,

5. All provisions of these two documents would be applicable for border trade through Nathu La.

6. * Simplify regulatory procedures to reduce time and cost and improve reliability of cross border trade;

7. Free trade zone is the only way to the development of Sino - Russian border trade.

8. • Simplify regulatory procedures to reduce time and cost and improve reliability of cross border trade; and

9. Experience has however shown that these usages are local without any impediment to cross border trade.

10. This includes environmental clearances, extending the industrial licences, delicencing of defence items, and simplification of cross-border trade.

11. During this period, more than 1,000 mules and 700 people were involved in cross-border trade through Nathu La.

12. Also at that time period, border trade between the two countries reached $5.13 billion, growing 35% and accounting for nearly 20% of the total trade.

13. They also discussed the possibility of an alternate route for the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra and additional items for border trade at Nathu La Pass in Sikkim.

14. It was also decided to open an additional Land Customs Station / border trade point on the India-Myanmar border to allow for the smooth flow of goods generated by the Kaladan Project.

15. This Agreement would facilitate cooperation in cross border trade of electricity on voluntary basis among SAARC member countries, and enable buying/selling entities to negotiate the terms, security and tenure of electricity trade.

16. The recent meeting of the Joint Trade Committee, which Joint Secretary (XP) spoke about, did take into account the need to expand border trade and to bring it under some better organisation and to also see if Indian imports and exports from and to Myanmar can be facilitated through some exchange rate mechanisms that our banks can work on.