Use "border dispute" in a sentence

1. The border dispute turned into a full-blown crisis.

2. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.

3. The two presidents met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute.

4. By that time the Soviets were openly supporting India in its border dispute with China.

5. His appointment meant that this was no longer a border dispute but a full-fledged war.

6. Outstanding differences on the border dispute between the two countries failed, however, to be resolved decisively.

7. (b)if so, whether India and China have set up a new working group on border dispute;

8. Then Suriname and French Guiana became involved in a border dispute and asked Brazil to provide an arbitrator.

9. With ideological encouragement from Afars residing in Djibouti and Eritrea, radical actions from the ARDUF, and a still unsettled border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea (although a peace

10. The Blockhouse is the only fortification relating to the "Bloodless" Aroostook War of 1838-1839, and the border dispute between Great Britain and the United States

11. The Russians, for their part, knew that the Amur was indefensible and were more interested in establishing profitable trade, which the Kangxi Emperor had threatened to block unless the border dispute were resolved.

12. This Directive should cover processes where two or more parties to a cross-border dispute are assisted by a mediator to reach an amicable agreement on the settlement of the dispute, but should exclude processes such as pre-contractual negotiations or processes of an adjudicatory nature such as arbitration, judicial conciliation schemes, ombudsman schemes, consumer complaint schemes, expert determination or processes administered by bodies issuing a formal recommendation, be it legally binding or not, as to the resolution of the dispute

13. This Directive should cover processes where two or more parties to a cross-border dispute are assisted by a mediator to reach an amicable agreement on the settlement of the dispute, but should exclude processes such as pre-contractual negotiations or processes of an adjudicatory nature such as arbitration, judicial conciliation schemes, ombudsman schemes, consumer complaint schemes, expert determination or processes administered by bodies issuing a formal recommendation, be it legally binding or not, as to the resolution of the dispute.