Use "bluegills" in a sentence

1. Use wet flies to attract Bluegills

2. Most Bluegills are about 3.25 inches long

3. Bluegills have always been abundant in Ohio

4. Spawning male Bluegills often become very darkly colored.

5. During peak season, dozens of barrels of Bluegills were …

6. Bluegills and Botanicals if you read the fine print

7. Bluegills are considered the most common “panfish” in North America

8. Large Bluegills are not the pushovers their younger siblings are

9. The body colour of Bluegills is variable but is basically

10. The Bluegills will be there all the way until Autumn

11. First, Bluegills have small mouths, even when they are adults

12. Bluegills spawn between May and August, with peak spawning in June

13. Though most Bluegills move to the shallows In the fall, if you are fishing for larger Bluegills, they are often found around 15 to 20 feet deep

14. Description – Bluegills have small mouths and oval-shaped, almost rounded, bodies

15. Bluegills are commonly called bream, but the term bream is a common name that refers to several members of the family Lepomis — to include redear sunfish and Bluegills

16. Bluegills begin spawning when water temperatures reach about 70°F

17. European fishermen actually recognize bream as a completely different species from Bluegills

18. Bluegills may interbreed with other sunfish including warmouth, green, longear and pumpkinseed

19. Bluegills eat zooplankton when young, but switch to aquatic insects after they mature

20. Sometimes low water conditions may isolate Bluegills from the main body of water

21. Bluegills have smaller mouths, so using a small hook and small bait is preferred

22. Artificial lures like wet flies that look like insect larvae are attractive to Bluegills

23. One place to find big late-summer Bluegills is the deeper zones of natural lakes.

24. Bluegills during the winter consume zooplankton, minnows, shad, and aquatic insects as they find them

25. Most of the smaller Bluegills can be caught using bait like crickets, worms, or grasshoppers

26. Young Bluegills feed on small zooplankton, and as they grow, they can feed on insects

27. In the spring, Bluegills are found along permanent cover such as rocks, logs and piers

28. Bluegills are characterized by a small head and mouth and a hand- or pan-shaped body

29. Bluegills have small mouths, so a small hook is essential--sizes 6 or 8 work best

30. Big Bluegills spawn deeper than small ones, so it can pay to fish deeper than usual

31. The findings seem counter-intuitive to many anglers, who have long believed that smaller Bluegills was a …

32. “Bluegills have the opportunity to get bigger with a relatively minor shift in fishing regulations,” says Rypel

33. Bluegills are carnivores, primarily eating invertebrates such as snails, worms, shrimp, aquatic insects, small crayfish, and zooplankton

34. If you want to grow big Bluegills in your pond, the later in life they mature, the better

35. For fall fishing spinners, jigs, topwater lures, and flies are great options for catching Bluegills in the shallows

36. Bluegills are small, sporty members of the panfish family which also includes yellow perch, black crappie, and pumpkinseeds

37. When fishing with wet flies or other jigs, slightly twitch the line to emulate movement and to attract the Bluegills

38. “I find giant Bluegills in lakes with deep water—and when I say deep, I mean 40 feet,” says Peterson

39. “Sunfish (Bluegills and pumpkinseeds) can be found around all types of structure, including weeds, rocks, brush, docks, and overhanging branches

40. Bluegills often inhabit shallow areas and are very easy to catch on a variety of small lures or baits (especially worms)

41. Bluegills feed primarily under low light conditions at dawn and dusk, but are opportunistic and will feed whenever a meal presents itself

42. Bluegills have a rather long spawn cycle that can last up to five or more months depending on where you are located

43. Late summer isn’t thought of as a peak period to target Bluegills, a species commonly associated with shallow-water action during the spring

44. Bluegills are schooling fish and you’ll usually find them in groups of 10 or more and that can include other types of pan fish

45. Bluegills are an incredible species that require a great deal of flexibility to be both the eaters and the eaten in any food-web

46. Bluegills are abundant in most southern Wisconsin lakes and now is the time to catch them when they are in shallow water and active

47. Bluegills in Rivers The author Steve Worrall with a dandy Bluegill caught just off the edge of the weeds in 8 feet of water

48. Just the day before, big Bluegills were pouncing our red worms and crickets in all depths providing ample fun for the kids and adults alike,

49. What Shoreline To Look For When looking for early spawning Bluegills you will want to first look for the muck bays with some sand or gravel.

50. For various species, especially bass and pike, Bluegills can make up the lion’s share of their diet, such that healthy populations of each species are wholly symbiotic.

51. Bluegills appear to have been native to the eastern half of the United States, southeastern Canada and northeastern Mexico, exclusive of the coastal plain north of Virginia

52. Bluegills range in size from 7 to 15 inches, but most fish are in the 4 to 6 inch range and weigh a half pound or less

53. Because of their long spawning season, Bluegills have very high reproductive potential, which often results in overpopulation in the face of low predation or low fishing pressure.

54. Big Bluegills got big by being cautious and smart, and they prefer to stay alive! Knowing this, some anglers go a step further and use two-pound-test line

55. Bluegills will bed in shallow beds, which can be a few inches to 2 feet deep and in deep water beds, which I have found up to 7 feet deep

56. Visions of Bluegill fly fishing danced in my head as the cold front proved to put the Bluegills down with just a rare take in deep water with a cricket

57. Bluegills go by many names depending on the area of the country--Sunfish, Brim, Bream, Pumpkinseed, Coppernose, call them what you want and order the wild caught frozen fillets here.

58. Bluegills are one of the smallest popular food and game fishes, normally reaching lengths of only 15–23 cm (6–9 inches) and usually weighing less than 0.25 kg (0.5 pound)

59. Anglers use 5-weight fly rods not just for trout, but also for bass, bluegills, perch, whitefish, carp and even catfish! 5-weight fly rods have become the single quiver rod for many freshwater Anglers. When used for trout fishing, 5-weights are wonderful rods for fishing dry flies but are also great rods for fishing nymphs and small streamers.