Use "blood relatives" in a sentence

1. Comes from the Clans of Scotland- who were blood relatives

2. Consanguinity means blood relationship, and Consanguineous marriages are marriages between near blood relatives

3. Usually these were blood relatives, but some engagements and marriages were prohibited because of inheritance rights.

4. Affines (relatives by marriage) were often classified with consanguineal (blood) relatives, and certain terms indicated potential spouses or Affines

5. Besides the patrilineal relationship, in-laws, quasi-blood relatives, geographical and occupational relations play a more active role than before.

6. The human cost was enormous, not only because of the extremely deadly wars, but also due to intermarriages among blood relatives which produced abnormal children.

7. (Romans 16:7, 11, 21) While the Greek word used here can mean “fellow-countrymen,” the primary meaning of it is “blood relatives of the same generation.”

8. Consanguinity is defined as “genetic relatedness between individuals descended from at least one common ancestor.” (1) Put more simply, Consanguinity means two individuals are “blood relatives” or “biological relatives.” We often receive information and questions regarding a child from a union of two related individuals.