Use "bitter pill to swallow" in a sentence

1. Losing the championship to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.

2. You're too old to be given a job. That's a bitter pill to swallow.

3. The knowledge that his friends no longer trusted him was a bitter pill to swallow.

4. A Bitter pill to swallow+a can of worms+a hard / tough nut+ a pint of Bitter a time of heady prosperity, Bitter partisanship, cultural frivolity and excess and

5. Bitter chocolate see thesaurus at taste 5 COLD DN COLD unpleasantly cold → Bitterly a Bitter wind the Bitter cold of the Midwestern winters 6 → to the Bitter end 7 → a Bitter pill (to swallow) — Bitterness noun [uncountable] COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a Bitter argument, battle etc is one in which people oppose or criticize each other