Use "bitter end" in a sentence

1. Let's fight to the bitter end.

2. I stayed to the bitter end.

3. " Rooster tails have a bitter end.

4. They fought to the bitter end.

5. He was determined to fight to the bitter end.

6. Do I intend to campaign to the bitter end?

7. Victory or defeat, we shall fight to the bitter end.

8. She said she's gonna back Baker till the bitter end.

9. We will fight this court case to the bitter end.

10. Campaigners vowed to carry on the struggle to the bitter end.

11. He must be seen to be productive until the bitter end.

12. He would fight my case to the bitter end, he vowed.

13. Employees have vowed to fight the closure to the bitter end .

14. The two countries will go on fighting till the bitter end.

15. Equally unexpectedly, he let the contest run to the bitter end.

16. They vowed to fight to the bitter end to stop it.

17. Victory or defeat,(Sentence dictionary) we shall fight to the bitter end.

18. They were prepared to fight to the bitter end for their rights.

19. My uncle, who died last week, remained cheerful to the bitter end.

20. Despite his injury, Johnson carried on playing on to the bitter end.

21. The author's intention is to keep everyone guessing until the bitter end.

22. The die has been cast, and we must see game to bitter end.

23. He at least was ready to slug it out to the bitter end.

24. You may think that's sentimental, but I mean it -- to the bitter end. "

25. Hereford left it to the bitter end to secure their 1-1 draw.

26. Master Yehudi always won, and he went on winning to the bitter end.

27. They would fight to the bitter end, and would not ask for quarter.

28. If they should force war on us, we'll fight them to the bitter end.

29. In spite of the unpleasant scenes in the movie, they stayed until the bitter end.

30. The small resistance group were determined to fight bitter end to free their country from occupation.

31. If you fail to love and forgive, you will live your karma to the bitter end.

32. We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.

33. Is due to the knock - out competition starting on both sides fight to the bitter end.

34. The guerrillas would fight to the bitter end, he said, in order to achieve their main goal.

35. But a promise is a promise and we have to pursue this thing to the bitter end.

36. 22 If once Odysseus got home those evil men would have a short shrift and a bitter end.

37. And there, some plunging sense of his own inadequacy assured him, he would find the bitter end of his search.

38. End, ending, close, finish, completion, finale, termination, bitter end, result At the Conclusion of the programme, viewers were invited to phone in.

39. The question is whether he will fight to the bitter end to clear his name or cop a plea to try to limit his time in prison.

40. Antipodes - Antipoles - axle shaft - bell tower - bitter end - boondocks - campanile - clapboard - cloud nine - colonnade - driftwood - extremity - fire tower - flagstaff - footstalk - greenland - kilometer - kilometre - newel-post - north pole - opposites - outskirts - panelwork - queen-post - sheathing - sideboard - south pole - stanchion

41. Amoretti Artisan Espresso Coffee Flavor 4oz $12.55 With the perfect balance between sweet and tart, the taste of our tangerine flavored artisan is rounded off with a bitter end-note that provides an undeniable tangerine flavor and is the perfect addition to any fruit-flavored brew.

42. Bitter chocolate see thesaurus at taste 5 COLD DN COLD unpleasantly cold → Bitterly a Bitter wind the Bitter cold of the Midwestern winters 6 → to the Bitter end 7 → a Bitter pill (to swallow) — Bitterness noun [uncountable] COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a Bitter argument, battle etc is one in which people oppose or criticize each other