Use "biowarfare" in a sentence

1. Biowarfare definition, biological warfare

2. It Likely Came From Chinese Biowarfare Lab

3. Applied To Biowarfare And Bioterrorism Michael J

4. Anthracis that provided the first hints of Biowarfare research

5. Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous Biowarfare experiments on Americans

6. There are numerous examples of Biowarfare dating back thousands of years

7. Biowarfare We may be on the verge of a brave new world indeed

8. Biowarfare Against Agriculture Most countries that had Biowarfare programs have developed weapons to target crops and farm animals, with the aim of denying food to the enemy, causing economic damage, and sapping public morale.

9. The Army Biowarfare lab that tests pathogens like Ebola reported 2 containment breaches this year

10. "We have entered into an area of Chinese Biowarfare, and including using things like viruses

11. Biowarfare agents are difficult to detect in real-time and can be lethal at very low exposures

12. Biowarfare Act Says By Sherwood Ross The American legal authority who in 1989 drafted the law Congress

13. Can Biowarfare agents be defeated with light? Biological warfare and bioterrorism is an unpleasant fact of 21st century life

14. “From the technological advances in biotechnology, Biowarfare with genetically engineered pathogens may constitute a future such RMA,” says Ainscough (2).

15. Fort Detrick: From Biowarfare To Biodefense Once used as a breeding ground for biological weapons, Fort Detrick, Md., now focuses its efforts …

16. Biowarfare, Caracas Venezuela, formed by Alessandro Caravella (bass, vocals), Mario Sulbaran (Drums) and Rod Martz (lead guitar and backing vocals)

17. Examples of Biowarfare in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Researchers determined that the SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged from horseshoe bats rather than a Biowarfare lab, and generally agreed that pangolins, rather than snakes, were the likely intermediary carriers, although some support was voiced for turtles.

18. Microbes called extremophiles might combat superbugs, Biowarfare agents The Champagne vent field at NW Eifuku seamount in the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument in …

19. The Biological Weapons Convention was intended to stop Biowarfare, but some analysts believe nation states have further developed their capacity to conduct war in

20. He was convinced that Biowarfare, not a natural pandemic, was the biggest threat facing the nation, he told The Post in an interview for a previous story.

21. In the Phase II program, we will complete the development of a prototype analyser and micro-assay chipssuitable for detection of Biowarfare or bioterroists bacterial agents of interest

22. In biowarfare or Bioterrorism, the diseases often considered the greatest threats are those caused by agents that could be sprayed across a large population on a battlefield or in a city.

23. Here, explore confirmed cases of Biowarfare and bioterrorism, from medieval times to today, and learn more about state-sponsored programs that experts fear could provide the seeds of future

24. World War II While Germany dabbled with biological weapons in World War I, the Japanese military practiced Biowarfare on a mass scale in the years leading up to and throughout World War II.

25. Coronavirus is a Biowarfare Weapon Developed by The US - Law Professor Claims Published February 5th, 2020 - 07:32 GMT This photo taken on February 3, 2020 shows a doctor looking at a lung CT image

26. While biological warfare has classically been considered a threat requiring the presence of a distinct biological agent, we argue that in light of the rise of state-sponsored online disinformation campaigns we are approaching a fifth phase of Biowarfare with a "cyber-bio" framing

27. Anti-agricultural Biowarfare and bioterrorism differ significantly from the same activities directed against humans; for instance, there exist a variety of possibilities for economic gain for perpetrators, and the list of possible perpetrators includes corporations, which may have state-of-the-art technical expertise.

28. I have rarely found an author with the expertise, and background that illumes the issues that are being brought on humanity through UFO contamination and more so by the machinations of secret groups like MJ-12 and the monstrous recipes for Biowarfare that threaten the very existence of life on earth.