Use "bill of rights" in a sentence

1. The Bill of Rights nourishes our freedom.

2. The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties.

3. The U.S. Bill of Rights descends from this acceptance.

4. Take a written constitution and a Bill of Rights.

5. The American Bill of Rights has no such limitations.

6. George Mason was responsible for the first American Bill of Rights.

7. Today, we would reject a proposed Bill of Rights out of hand.

8. Above all, the meeting hammered out a bill of rights for women.

9. Madison opposed the inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

10. The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution

11. I have never encountered such blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights.

12. So said The Bill of Rights Review, published by the American Bar Association.

13. On the substance of a Bill of Rights: yours goes further than traditional notions.

14. On the walls of most hospitals, one sees displayed the “Patient’s Bill of Rights.”

15. 1789 – New Jersey becomes the first U.S. state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

16. The Fourteenth Amendment – unlike the Bill of Rights – was specifically aimed at the states.

17. Sections: Creating the Declaration of Independence Creating the United States Constitution Creating the Bill of Rights

18. In addition, the bill of rights could be very useful when evaluating countries' human rights records.

19. The repeal of sections of the Bill of Rights has been under discussion since October 19

20. Both groups worked in tandem, but equally revered the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.

21. For protect the freedom of the press and individuals rights, Jefferson promoted The Bill of Rights.

22. The guarantee in the American Bill of Rights of “free exercise of religion” is a permit!

23. Many would assume that they form part of some modern-day constitution or bill of rights.

24. The Second Amendment, ratified in 1791, is one of 10 Amendments that form the Bill of Rights

25. It decided Wednesday not to include anything in the bill of rights unless there were unanimous agreement.

26. More positive was confirmation that draft legislation for a Bill of Rights should be ready by July 19

27. A free-speech amendment to a bill of rights has had a certain success that might be emulated.

28. In 1956, the Bill of Rights Act is reinforced with the passing of the Fair Accommodation Practices Act.

29. We have a Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities. Bill Maher 

30. Since 2003, Bill of Rights advice on Bills has been made available on the Ministry of Justice website.

31. 2 New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.

32. We call it the Bullock Bill of RIGHTS, and we think you will appreciate it! The Right People

33. Likewise, on a bill of rights, being against Hattersley was, in some quarters, almost an end in itself.

34. A student complaint about evolution instruction "is Conceivable," Horowitz claimed in a reason online debate in 2003, "but under the Academic Bill of Rights it would be dismissed." How reforms evolve: creationists push "bill of rights"

35. Yet, a poll revealed that 59 percent of the American public do not know what the Bill of Rights is.

36. The landmark Saskatchewan Bill of Rights forbids discrimination with respect to race or colour in accommodation, employment, occupation and education.

37. So the concept of a Bill of Rights was not imposed on a parliamentary authority already based on universal suffrage.

38. It served as a kind of medieval bill of rights for the Aristocracy and the judiciary who developed the law

39. Despite its nonbinding nature, expectations were high that the bill of rights would have a strong political and social impact.

40. One survey found that if the Bill of Rights were on the ballot today, most people would vote against it.

41. I am disappointed the policy review has adopted such a negative attitude both to a Bill of Rights and electoral reform.

42. The plans include changing the bill of rights, restoring police power to ban protests and restricting foreign funding of local groups.

43. 29 So the concept of a Bill of Rights was not imposed on a parliamentary authority already based on universal suffrage.

44. At least a bill of rights would provide standards - laid down by parliament - against which our judiciary would have to operate.

45. Before the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Bill of Rights protected individual rights only from invasion by the federal government.

46. 17 So the concept of a Bill of Rights was not imposed on a parliamentary authority already based on universal suffrage.

47. One of the most frequent criticisms of a bill of rights is the power of interpretation it would afford to the judiciary.

48. It was argued that the civil and political status and rights of the citizen must be enshrined in a bill of rights.

49. With William childless and Gloucester dead, Anne was the only individual remaining in the line of succession established by the Bill of Rights 1689.

50. PART III , ARTICLES 12 - 35 , the formulation of a bill of rights was among the first tasks to which the Constituent Assembly addressed itself .

51. After this Glorious Revolution, the Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.

52. 4 Antiqued Parchment Paper US Historical Documents - The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address Constitution Approx

53. The Self-Incrimination Clause of the Fifth Amendment is an unsolved riddle of vast proportions, A gordian knot in the middle of our Bill of Rights.

54. The credit card "consumer bill of rights," as supporters describe it, must go to the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote before reaching the president.

55. They have remained law abiding and have peacefully applied to the law courts for their constitutional rights, appealing to the Bill of Rights granted by the State.

56. Cruelty, and reflects a rejection of the originalist position that Eighth Amendment Cruelty should be interpreted to mean what it meant when the Bill of Rights was adopted

57. Nationalist leader Ronald Ngala told the conference that "the best form of safeguard for all races in Kenya was a Bill of Rights enforced by an independent judiciary."

58. He is hailed as the "Father of the Constitution" for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the United States Constitution and the United States Bill of Rights.

59. Here again the Court was not ready to extend the protection of explicit Bill of Rights guarantees, but relied on the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

60. The Second Amendment, often referred to as the right to bear arms, is one of 10 Amendments that form the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791 by the U.S

61. Commitment to Small Business In addition to the fifteen rights that apply to all taxpayers, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights also has a five-part Commitment to Small Business.

62. Felix Frankfurter felt that legislation was the best long-term solution, because the Supreme Court could not (and – in his opinion – should not) mandate liberal interpretations of the Bill of Rights.

63. When the federal courts expanded the reach of the Bill of Rights to apply to the states as well, they also applied the exclusionary rule to state police and trial courts.

64. The Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights was put into the United States Constitution on September 5, 1789, and was voted for by 9 out of 12 states on December 15, 1791

65. For example, the Colorado Constitution Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) amendment, which was approved by voters in 1992, requires all Assessors to use ONLY the market (or direct sales comparison) approach in valuing residential property.

66. Tenth Amendment: In this 1789 draft of the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution appears as Article the Twelfth, reserving to the states or to the people powers not delegated to the federal government

67. Encounter the original founding documents of the United States in the National Archives Museum's Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom, the permanent home of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights

68. To reinstate academic freedom requires a reassertion of principles , something most effectively done through the widespread adoption of the " Academic Bill of Rights , " David Horowitz ' s initiative that has already reached 130 American campuses and eight state legislatures .

69. ‘An ancient stringed instrument, it is an Ancestor of the European lute.’ ‘It is played on the oud (an Ancestor of the lute) and the rebaba (a one-stringed instrument).’ ‘It was placed there out of the conviction that it was the Ancestor, however remote, of the American constitution and the bill of rights.’

70. New York’s Mayor John Lindsay said that many people are now accepting the idea “that crime will stop if we erase the Bill of Rights, that unity will come if we suppress dissent, that racial conflict will end if we ignore racial justice, and that protest will cease if we intimidate the people who report it.”

71. State Approving Agencies were created during the early days of the World War II “GI Bill of Rights.” The United States Congress, recognizing that education is a function reserved to the States, decided that each State should create or designate an agency to determine which education and training programs were appropriate for veterans to enroll in and use their GI

72. The freedom to choose and change one’s place of abode as well as the freedom to travel both within the country and outside are guaranteed by the Philippine Constitution, which in Art. III (Bill of Rights), Sec. 6, provides: “The liberty of abode and changing the same within the limits prescribed by the law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court.