Use "bilingualism" in a sentence

1. The four types of Bilingualism are: early Bilingualism, late Bilingualism, additive Bilingualism & subtractive Bilingualism and passive Bilingualism

2. Bilingualism synonyms, Bilingualism pronunciation, Bilingualism translation, English dictionary definition of Bilingualism

3. Bilingualism ( plural Bilingualisms) bilingualism (countable and uncountable, plural Bilingualisms) Bilingualism

4. In early Bilingualism, there is simultaneous Bilingualism

5. Bilingualism/Bilingual education Definition

6. This also perfect bilingualism.

7. Bilingualism definition: Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages equally well

8. What is Bilingualism? Put simply, Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages

9. Bilingualism may provide cognitive benefits Growing evidence suggests that Bilingualism provides cognitive benefits

10. Bilingualism may also refer to:

11. What is bilingualism and diglossia?

12. Bilingualism as the Norm According to "The Handbook of Bilingualism," "Bilingualism—more generally, multilingualism—is a major fact of life in the world today

13. A discussion of Bilingualism and second language learning distinguishes three types of Bilingualism, namely, compound, coordinate, and sub-coordinate

14. Bilingualism It is ideal for classroom discussion and should be read by all students of Bilingualism and language acquisition

15. All pages with titles containing Bilingualism in

16. What's the difference between diglossia and bilingualism?

17. Bilingualism is a farsighted educational policy.

18. Substratum, Adstratum, and Residual Bilingualism in Brussels

19. Benefits of Bilingualism on the brain

20. Bilingualism, Ability to speak two languages

21. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition is an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on Bilingualism from a linguistic, psycholinguistic, and neuroscientific perspective

22. People use the term Bilingualism in different ways

23. Substratum, Adstratum and residual bilingualism in Brussels

24. Bilingualism can also offer protection after brain injury

25. Like it or not, bilingualism is here to stay.

26. What does Bilingualisms mean? Plural form of bilingualism

27. Definition Misconceptions Advantages Bilingualism: Definition Defining Bilingualism in just a few words is not easy, as each individual has different Bilingual characteristics

28. Bilingualism (neurology), the representation and effects of different language systems in the brain Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, a quarterly academic journal of linguistics; See also

29. Bilingualism is the ability to communicate in two different languages

30. Bilingualism is also distinguished by the number of actions

31. Bilingualism definition, the ability to speak two languages fluently

32. Bilingualism is an advantage in a person of any age

33. Throughout the book, Bilingualism is seen as both a societal and cognitive phenomenon

34. However, defining Bilingualism is problematic since individuals with varying bilingual characteristics may …

35. As a result the degree of Bilingualism may vary from one individual to another.

36. — Martha Shade, CNN, "Bilingualism is good medicine for the brain," 23 Oct

37. Bilingualism is can be considered, in many cases, a reality in our modern society

38. This paper on Bilingualism defines the concept and its usage throughout the world

39. The application of the two - name system is necessary in the bilingualism society.

40. 2020 As for Babel, Schlesinger writes quite a bit in Disuniting about English and Bilingualism

41. A period of Coptic-Arabic bilingualism in Lower Egypt lasted for more than three centuries.

42. 1904 - Henri Bourassa pleads in favour of bilingualism in the institutions of the federal government.

43. Although linguistic diversity was considered a positive asset, bilingualism in maintained schools was not supported.

44. Bilingualism is just one way to create "cognitive reserve" for your brain

45. Let’s define Bilingualism simply as the ability to express oneself with ease in two […]

46. The various dichotomies that have evolved in the study of Bilingualism are described: compound and coordinate

47. Let’s define Bilingualism simply as the ability to express oneself with ease in two languages

48. The explanation of transfer in multilingualism falls in a much broader range than in bilingualism.

49. Adstratum a variety of bilingualism resulting from the prolonged existence of two languages in the same territory

50. Bilingualism (countable and uncountable, plural Bilingualisms) The condition of being bilingual; the ability to speak two languages

51. In our increasingly global society, Bilingualism – or the ability to speak two languages – is on the rise

52. Bilingualism ( countable and uncountable, plural Bilingualisms ) The condition of being bilingual; the ability to speak two languages.

53. The theories of bilingualism, including language choice, language mixing and code - switching, can explain it reasonably.

54. The relationship between bilingualism and cognitive development is an important problem in which psychologists are concerned.

55. Moreover, in keeping with the Canadian government’s policy on bilingualism, Statistics Canada offers an extensive language training program.

56. Not only does speaking multiple languages help us to communicate but Bilingualism (or multilingualism) may actually confer distinct

57. In fact, Bilingualism is not a special state: Today, most people develop at least some knowledge of more

58. Hence, the American linguist, Leonard Bloomfield, stated that Bilingualism is the native-like control of two languages

59. Three types of Autobiographic narratives are commonly examined in the study of sociolinguistics of bilingualism and SLA.

60. An Investigation through Different Types of Bilinguals and Bilingualism Hamzeh Moradi Volume-I, Issue-II September 2014 108 3

61. Bilingualism is the use of two languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers.

62. Bilingualism is the ability of an individual or the members of a community to use two languages effectively.

63. Timm, Lenora. 19 Bilingualism, diglossia and language shift in Brittany. International Journal of the Society of Language, 29-

64. In which sequential Bilingualism happens when a young child has had critical and significant introduction to two languages from birth.

65. Bilingualism (multilingualism) refers to the coexistence of more than one language system within an individual, as contrasted to monolingualism

66. A person who speaks more than two languages is called 'multilingual' (although the term 'Bilingualism' can be used for both situations)

67. Bilingualism and multilingualism are often perceived and considered as a problem or a major challenge to individual and/or societal development

68. "Practical Applications of e-Consultation" Innovatec February 23 and 24, 2004 Bilingualism: The Duel for a Dual Language "Killer App."

69. Biculturalism definition, the presence of two different cultures in the same country or region: a commission on bilingualism and Biculturalism in Canada

70. Bilingualisms and multilingualisms in medieval wales – evidence and inference Evidence for bilingualism and multilingualism in medieval Wales is very patchy and scattered

71. , passage= the relatives who had been helping slipped away as I grew older, Attriting for various reasons that all amounted to the same reason.}} To be reduced in quantity through attrition *{{quote-book, 2001, Lynne Hansen, Studies in Japanese Bilingualism, chapter=Language Attrition in Contexts of Japanese Bilingualism citation

72. , passage= the relatives who had been helping slipped away as I grew older, Attriting for various reasons that all amounted to the same reason.}} To be reduced in quantity through attrition *{{quote-book, 2001, Lynne Hansen, Studies in Japanese Bilingualism, chapter=Language Attrition in Contexts of Japanese Bilingualism citation

73. Bilingualisms-in-practice The theoretical tenet that lies at the heart of this article is that bilingualism is a socially constructed phenomenon (cf

74. Today, Bilingualism is often seen as a brain-sharpening benefit, a condition that can protect and preserve cognitive function well into old age.

75. Late Bilinguals Child bilingual acquisiton may start quite early in life, but involves the successive acquisition of two languages, as do adolescent and adult bilingualism

76. Receptive (perceiving) Bilingualism exists when people has a rough understanding of foreign language speech but the person themselves almost does not speak or write.

77. “Bilingualism serves as enrichment for the brain and has real consequences when it comes to executive function, specifically attention and working memory,” Kraus says

78. 2020 Recent studies have shown that Bilingualism may help prevent or delay the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

79. From Bilingualism to Bilingualisms: Bilingual experience in Edinburgh and Singapore affects attentional control differently Volume 21, Special Issue 4 SEOK HUI OOI (a1) (a2) , WINSTON D

80. The benefits of Bilingualism go way beyond the ability to function in a foreign country, which is why bilingual education is a topic of growing importance