Use "bewares" in a sentence

1. The inflected forms (bewares), (Bewared), and (bewaring) are called obsolete in Fowler's , along with the simple indicative "I beware"

2. The forms (bewares) and (Bewared) are very rarely found in modern texts, though (bewaring) is slightly less rare

3. The forms (bewares) and (Bewared) are very rarely found in modern texts, though (bewaring) is slightly less rare

4. The forms (bewares) and (Bewared) are very rarely found in modern texts, though (bewaring) is slightly less rare

5. The inflected forms (bewares), (Bewared), and (bewaring) are called obsolete in Fowler's , along with the simple indicative "I beware"

6. The verb beware has become a defective verb and now lacks forms such as the third-person singular simple present bewares and the simple past Bewared.

7. After 1600, the verbal aspect so far prevailed that the inflections bewares, Bewared, bewaring, were used by good writers; but these have again been discarded, and beware is now used only where be ware would be a possible construction, viz

8. F - Befrets h - sherbet l - belters trebles t - betters v - brevets w - bestrew webster (beersu) -----c - becurse d - burseed g - burgees k - rebukes m - embrues s - rebuses subsere (beersv) breves-----a - beavers o - observe obverse verbose r - reverbs t - brevets (beersw) webers-----a - bewares h - beshrew r - brewers t - bestrew webster