Use "bencher" in a sentence

1. Let’s Bench custom Benchers are the perfect wedding bencher, bar mitzvah bencher, bat mitzvah bencher, anniversary bencher, and school bencher

2. Benchers and Ketubahs Ahavah in Gold – Zemirot Shabbat Hamalka Hebrew & English Bencher $ 4.89 each + Benchers and Ketubahs Watercolor Floral Garden Bencher – Zemirot Shabbat Hamalka Hebrew & English Bencher

3. Benchers and Ketubahs I am My Beloved – Chabad Jewish Wedding Bencher $ 4.45 each

4. Booklet Benchers, Zemiros, Zemirot, Hebrew and English Benchers,bencher,bentcher,bentcher

5. Benchers and Ketubahs Ahava Love Under the Chuppah – Zemirot Shabbat Hamalka Hebrew & English Bencher $ 4.89 each

6. Elected Lawyer Benchers Inside Toronto Elected Lawyer Benchers Outside Toronto Elected Paralegal Benchers Appointed Benchers Ex-Officio and Honorary Benchers Bencher Election 2019 Show or hide this menu section

7. A leading source of fine Judaica and Hebrew Bencher and Birchon, Personalized Benchers and Grace after meal for Bar Bat Mitzvah and Jewish Weddings stamped with name and date, also shabbat songs and Zemiros at

8. Benchers with English 15 item; Hadlakas Neiros (Candle Lighting Blessing) 35 item; Holiday Bencher/Segulah Books 152 item; Kriat Shema 25 item; Laminated Benchers 24 item; Mincha Maariv 30 item; Segulos & Tefilos 78 item; Zemiros with Bentching 54 item

9. A bencher or Master of the Bench is a senior member of an Inn of Court in England and Wales or the Inns of Court in Northern Ireland, or the Honorable Society of King's Inns in Ireland.Benchers hold office for life once elected