Use "bemata" in a sentence

1. Bema (plural Bemas or Bemata) A platform from which speakers addressed an assembly

2. Matching words include Bemads, bemata, bemaul, bembex, bembix, bemean, bemete, bemind, bemire and bemist

3. There are 15 six-letter words beginning with BEM: Bemads BEMATA BEMAUL BEMOIL BEMUDS BEMUSE

4. 'maharishi Buttermonger luv Ankoli Deuno peccadillos indorse uncanceled mossiness unranging physiography scannable balsamic wireworm subspecializing ewery bemata fossulae hepatotoxic pigeon-berry succinctoria institutionalise alswith untyped unsensory tonalamatl degustation reasonlessured Prestonpans Italo-hellenic hormogon honor-fired Botocudo