Use "bellcore" in a sentence

1. Bamaf - Bellcore Automatic Message Accounting Format; BRIDS - Bellcore Rating Input Database System; BAF - Billing AMA Format; BCC - Bellcore Client Company; BIC - Bellcore Information Center; BSS - Bellcore Software Systems; EBAF - Electronic Bellcore Administrative Format; EBAF - Enhanced Bellcore AMA Format; EBAF - Extended Bellcore

2. Bamaf stands for Bellcore Automatic Message Accounting Format

3. Last year, Eli Yablonovitch and his co-workers at Bellcore in Red Bank, N.J., drilled Crisscrossing holes into a solid slab of an electrically insulating material to produce an array of cavities that prevent microwaves of a certain narrow frequency range from penetrating the structure (SN: 11/2/91, p.