Use "belemnites" in a sentence

1. Belemnites synonyms, Belemnites pronunciation, Belemnites translation, English dictionary definition of Belemnites

2. Belemnites are an extinct group (there are actually several different Orders of Belemnites) of cephalopod molluscs.

3. Belemnites are an extinct group (there are actually several different Orders of Belemnites) of cephalopod molluscs

4. Belemnites predominantly fed on crustaceans, other cephalopods, and fishes

5. Belemnites fed on ostracods, crustaceans, and fish

6. Belemnites had no shells like earlier nautiloids

7. Belemnites are an extinct group of squid-like cephalopods

8. It is unknown if any sentient Belemnites exist

9. Source for information on Belemnites: A Dictionary of Earth Sciences dictionary.

10. This is a 4.8" wide mortality plate of fossil Belemnites of the species Belemnites paxillosus, that are Jurassic in age and were collected from Mistelgau, Germany

11. Belemnites died out at the same time as ammonites and dinosaurs

12. Belemnites were quick and agile swimmers which made them efficient hunters

13. The Belemnites would have been swimming in a shallow sea

14. Belemnites are ancient Cephalopods from around 100 million years ago

15. It teamed with fish and other marine creatures, and among them were Belemnites

16. Belemnites have played an important role recently in sorting out Mesozoic climate change

17. Belemnites were very squid-like in shape, sharing the same streamlined torpedo shape, but this came about through convergent evolution rather than squids being descended from Belemnites.

18. Belemnites - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - UBAINV0274 005 09 0031.tif

19. Belemnites are found in many countries including Sweden, England, Morocco and the USA

20. Belemnites were marine animals belonging to the phylum Mollusca and the class Cephalopoda

21. Common fossils from this time are marine Belemnites, clams, crinoids, and sea urchins

22. Belemnites are an extinct group of cephalopod that probably looked like a squid

23. These Belemnites are incredibly large and massive! My largest one! Authenticity guaranteed

24. Like most Belemnites, it would have used jet propulsion to move around

25. Triangle driftwood wall hanging decoration, witchy and unusual with grey linen and Belemnites BalticWitchCraft

26. Belemnites can occur in huge numbers in some localities in so-called Belemnite grave yards

27. It is also thought that the dolphin-like ichthyosaurs survived largely on Belemnites.

28. Like all elasmosaurid plesiosaurs, it probably ate small bony fish, belemnites, and ammonites.

29. Most opalized Belemnites are found only in the South Australian opal fields around Cooper Pedy

30. Though not as colorful as its relative, Ammonites, Belemnites are one of the most interesting fossils

31. A short video introducing Belemnites which were extinct cousins of the squid, octopus and cuttlefish

32. Belemnites are grouped amongst the Order Coleoidea along with the squid, octopus, cuttlefish and argonaut

33. Unlike nautiloids and ammonites, Belemnites had a very solid internal skeleton called a rostrum

34. Belemnites (Hibolithes) are also present for the first time since the Otapirian (Rhaetian) Stage

35. Belemnites are moist squidlike creatures with pointed shells that live in the oceans of Aqua Minor

36. It is believed that Belemnites were built for speed and that they probably lived in shoals

37. Often associated with ammonites, Belemnites were similar to squids and the only had part to their

38. Belemnites were a key group in the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas as both predators and prey

39. Belemnites During the Cretaceous period in Australia, the shallow Eromanga Sea covered a third of the continent

40. Most opalised Belemnites have little of blue colours and its rare to find multi fire colour in these specimens

41. Eram eficientes caçadores de peixes pequenos e outros animais marinhos de pequeno porte, os Belemnites usavam …

42. Belemnites (extinct) were very similar to modern squid (part of the subclass Coleoidea), both morphologically and their mode of life

43. These creatures were prolific swimmers and vast quantities existed on earth but only Australian Belemnites from Cooper Pedy are opalized

44. Belemnites are an extinct cephalopod that existed between the late Triassic and Late Cretaceous, related to modern cuttlefish and squid

45. Belemnites are often found as bullet-like shells, but rare fossils show what they really looked like in life.

46. X092 Size: 6-13/16" (1-1/16" W) Note - Adding 2 big Belemnites in December 2019

47. Os Belemnites surgiram no período Carbonífero como resultado de um longo processo de evolução

48. Predators of adult Belemnites were sharks, bony fishes, ichthyosaurs, and other marine reptiles as inferred from stomach contents and pathologies.

49. The Belemnites are a diverse order of widespread cephalopod mollusks from the Late Triassic-Late Cretaceous of the entire world

50. Belemnites are probably the most well known extinct cephalopod after the ammonites. They are quite common fossils and have a worldwide distribution

51. Belemnites became extinct about the same time that the Dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago

52. Belemnite (plural Belemnites) (paleontology) Any member of the extinct order † Belemnitida of Mesozoic marine cephalopods, very similar in many ways to the modern squid …

53. Belemnites had a large, cone-shaped internal shell with a complex structure that served as a support for muscles and as a hydrostatic device.

54. Belemnites were believed to be efficient carnivores that caught small fish and marine animals with their tentacles, and ate them with their beak-like jaws

55. Real Belemnites were extinct cephalopods (a group containing today's octopi, cuttlefish, and squid) which were part of a larger group called belemnoids, living during the

56. The fact that they are closely related to squid and cuttlefish means that it can be inferred that Belemnites possessed a head with tentacles/arms

57. Like them, the Belemnites had an ink sac, but, unlike the squid, they had ten arms of roughly equal length, and no tentacles.

58. Belemnites (or belemnoids) are an extinct group of marine cephalopod, similar in many ways to the modern squid, and closely related to the modern cuttlefish

59. Belemnites have a hard internal skeleton and the fossil remains you are looking for today are the hard part of the shell that was originally located in the tail.

60. An Amzaingly well preserved fossil Belemnite from the 155 million year old Jurassic Solnhofen limestones in Germany (notice the details of the animal's soft anatomy) Belemnites fed on ostracods, crustaceans, and fish

61. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to ammonites of old, as well as to modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses

62. Os Belemnites (Belemnoidea) eram animais carnívoros que possuíam um corpo suave ao redor de uma concha interna (rostrum).Viviam na água e eram muito semelhantes as lulas atuais.

63. Belemnites (Belemnitida) were squid-like animals belonging to the cephalopod class of the mollusc phylum, and therefore related to the ammonites of old as well as to the modern squids, octopuses and nautiluses.

64. The anatomy of the belemnite is often confusing for how does a pointed shell house an animal, well as i have already mentioned Belemnites closets living relative is thought to be the cuttlefish, and just as they have a hard cuttle bone Belemnites had a guard though this was made from calcite in stead of aragonite, this bone is call the rostrum or guard and is the only part of a belemnite that

65. Belemnites are particularly important in the biostratigraphy of the Boreal chalks of Campanian and Maastrichtian range, with the genera Gonioteuthis, Belemnitella and Belemnella displaying evolutionary changes which permit development of a refined zonation (Combemorel and …

66. Belemnites are an extinct group of cephalopods which were common during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, and their fossils are abundant in Mesozoic marine rocks making them among the most popular and easily found fossils around the world

67. Belemnitida (or Belemnites) is an extinct order of cephalopods which existed during the Mesozoic era, from the Hettangian age of the Lower Jurassic to the Maastrichtian age of the Upper Cretaceous.The Belemnite is the state fossil of Delaware

68. Belemnite & straight cephalopod fossils for sale Belemnites and other straight-shelled Cephalopods represent a major portion of the marine biomass from the Ordovician Period 467 million years ago, until they died out with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

69. Belemnites (Fossilized Squid Tentacles), also Nicknamed, “Gnome Lights” and “Thunderbolts” Physical, Emotional, Mental Integration: I bring other lifeforms to you so that you can entrain to their magic, to bring out your own!!! I love to light up your Electrical Body: It’s immediate

70. Belemnite Facts Marine molluscs related to modern day squid, octopus, and pearly nautilus, Belemnites were present on the Earth for a period spanning over 140 million years and disappeared about the same time of the dinosaur mass extinction approximately 65 million years ago at …