Use "being drawn" in a sentence

1. Maybe you're being drawn back together.

2. I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument.

3. Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.

4. 4 Like some bloody simpleton he was being drawn in.

5. This is when large secured loan proceeds are being drawn.

6. 1 Tom felt himself being drawn towards her vibrant personality.

7. How are many “desirable things” being drawn to God’s house today?

8. Thousands of belugas are being drawn to one special estuary in the Canadian Arctic.

9. ▪ “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.

10. Although more talented scholars are being drawn to this field of study, it remains Burdened …

11. Smoke released near outdoor air intakes will indicate whether air is being drawn into the intake.

12. BBGs have an average age of 15, being drawn from the school years nine and ten.

13. An Instagram account posted pictures of the symbol, and included a video of one being drawn.

14. Curtain definition is - a hanging screen usually capable of being drawn back or up; especially : window drapery

15. The Bible explains: “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.

16. James 1:14 But every man is tempted by his own Concupiscence, being drawn away and allured

17. Instead of being drawn together and united into one nation, the German estates were divided just as before.

18. You might look away when your blood is being drawn, or you could lie down during the procedure.

19. A new accounting manual is being drawn up with a view to the application of these accounting rules.

20. And you can see, obviously, the rectangle is being drawn to a fixed point based on the canvas.

21. But he had been there - he had watched some one he loved being drawn deeper and deeper into the morass.

22. As the disciple James put it, “each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.”

23. I need not have worried, however, for the plot was rapidly unfolding and we were being drawn into the action.

24. It was felt that these arrangements would lessen the risk of the association being drawn into difficulties if anything else went wrong.

25. Liquid food is strained through hairs and acanthae of the preoral chamber while being drawn into the cibarium by contraction of powerful cibarial dilators.

26. (Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 15:18, 19) James 1:14, 15 warns: “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.

27. 10 Consider the words recorded at James 1:14, 15, which reads: “Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire.

28. At divine worship we are being drawn into the interior, the innermost, the mystery that is luminously dark, Caliginously blazing, and we do not know our way

29. 2 days ago · BEIJING -- China looked to Europe as an Amicable partner as the continent's leaders resisted being drawn into President Donald Trump’s conflicts …

30. 2 days ago · BEIJING (AP) — China looked to Europe as an Amicable partner as the continent’s leaders resisted being drawn into President Donald Trump’s conflicts …

31. China looked to Europe as an Amicable partner as the continent's leaders resisted being drawn into President Donald Trump’s conflicts with Beijing over trade, technology and human rights

32. Biometeorology is the interdisciplinary study of increasing importance as correlations are being drawn between certain types of meteorological conditions and the health of plants, humans, and all other animals

33. 21: A thousand times I Berated myself for being drawn into such a trap as I might have known these pits easily could be.; 1917, Jack London, Jerry of the Islands, ch

34. If the blood is being drawn from a vein , the skin surface is cleaned with antiseptic and an elastic band ( tourniquet ) is placed around the upper arm to apply pressure and cause the veins to swell with blood .

35. We got this app to practice reading and using the Abacus, but find that impossible without the eyes being drawn to the numbers in the middle of the screen--so we "cheat" and don't read the beads

36. Instead of the traditional punishment of being drawn and quartered, Catherine issued secret instructions that the executioner should carry the sentence out quickly and with a minimum of suffering, as part of her effort to introduce compassion into the law.

37. The process is chararcterised in that the mixture of the materials to be separated is subjected to radial, axial and tangential acceleration forces, with a mass flow of comminuted fibrous material and another mass flow of essentially intact plastic materials being drawn off separately.

38. Official Spokesperson, Shri Raveesh Kumar: Actually there are some elements of the program being drawn up directly by the Israeli embassy and I think as we perhaps approach, may be in the next couple of days we will have those elements fixed as well.

39. ‘Biometeorology is the interdisciplinary study of increasing importance as correlations are being drawn between certain types of meteorological conditions and the health of plants, humans, and all other animals.’ ‘ Biometeorology is a scientific branch, which can be seen as the link between meteorology, biology and medical sciences.’

40. In the current study, the investigators found that when cancer cells with extra centrosomes enter "Anaphase" - the stage of cell division when chromosomes move toward the poles of the spindle before being drawn into the new daughter cells - a few chromosomes lagged behind the others.

41. Just as the German Shepherd is one of many types of guard dogs, the American Sentinel is one of many types of Bandogs. The resurrection of the ancient term " Bandogge " has led to a number of undedicated "breeders" being drawn to the concept of Bandogs.

42. The draw continued on to Band 5, drawn by Japanese Olympian Saori Yoshida, followed by Band 4, drawn by former Japanese rugby international Yoshihiro Sakata, then Band 3, drawn by All Blacks Head Coach Steve Hansen with the first team being drawn being allocated to Pool B, Band 2, drawn by Mayor of Yokohama Fumiko Hayashi and finally Band 1, drawn by World Rugby chairman Bill Beaumont.