Use "becoming worn" in a sentence

1. In battle, the Accepter is worn around Gridman's left wrist becoming the Gran Accepter (グランアクセプター, Gran

2. English words for Attritus include worn away, friction, attrition, abrasion and worn down

3. Attrited definition: worn by rubbing or friction synonyms: worn antonyms: new, rested

4. The world is becoming smaller, the empire is becoming greater.

5. Brigandines were worn by infantrymen.

6. These shoes are worn out.

7. Your blanket is worn out.

8. My shoes are worn out.

9. Badly worn type prints poorly.

10. Becoming True Millennials

11. It must have worn off.

12. I was emotionally worn out.

13. The coat is worn threadbare.

14. Protective clothing must be worn.

15. Well, the speedometer is worn out.

16. The servant worn a fawning smile.

17. She was worn out with work.

18. These shoes are looking rather worn.

19. The carpets had worn rather threadbare.

20. Hijabs, headscarves worn in some Middle Eastern countries, can be worn with a Burka or alone

21. This Calash should be worn with your most extravagant gown and should be carefully worn and stored

22. Attrited: 1 adj worn by rubbing or friction Synonyms: worn affected by wear; damaged by long use

23. She was worn down by overwork.

24. You must be absolutely worn out.

25. I am worn out with civility.

26. Wash Baby's clothing before it's worn

27. Clericals Garments worn by the clergy

28. 1 word related to Attrited: worn

29. Synonyms for Clapped out include worn out, shabby, tattered, threadbare, worn, crumbling, dilapidated, faded, frayed and holey

30. He's becoming increasingly irrational.

31. Brooches shouldnt be worn during vigorous

32. Betrothal Rings are worn by Betrotheds

33. He'd never worn this armor before.

34. I know you are worn out.

35. 4 Badly worn type prints poorly.

36. Face Coverings must be worn on campus

37. Babushkas: a scarf worn on the head.

38. You've worn a hole in your sock.

39. Protective helmets must be worn on site.

40. Becoming Consciously Inclusive Leaders

41. Well-trodden, worn, trodden, trampled, well-used, much travelled Before you is a well-worn path of Beaten earth

42. Babushka: a scarf worn on the head.

43. Bandanna: a scarf worn on the head.

44. The Amice mainly worn in the R.C

45. Bowler hats are not often worn nowadays.

46. I am worn out with domestic worries.

47. Skirts will be worn below the knee.

48. Can we sit down? I'm worn out.

49. Becoming definition, that suits or gives a pleasing effect or attractive appearance, as to a person or thing: a Becoming dress; a Becoming hairdo

50. Check for cracked, worn, or frayed Belts

51. Amulets are worn in the neckwear slot

52. But his face is totally worn out!

53. A vestment worn by ancient Hebrew priests.

54. I have worn my socks into holes.

55. He was bankrupt, discouraged, and worn out."

56. She was looking very haggard and worn.

57. Their persuasion has worn down her opposition.

58. Cumulative: (Increasing), adjective accruing , added together , additional , additive , additory , becoming greater , becoming larger , broadening , continually

59. Scholarships for Becoming a Biophysicist

60. Becoming Progressive and Adaptable Ministers

61. Vance is becoming increasingly irrational.

62. Americans are becoming more Complacent

63. The Brooch has several effects while worn:

64. Shoes are not worn in a dōjō.

65. Driving with worn tread can be dangerous.

66. Balteus or Cingulum- belt worn by Roman Legionnaires

67. And Biggie) worn and signed crown used for …

68. My running shoes were old, worn out, tired.

69. Her fingers are worn, her nails are broken

70. Kotomi's Costume Can Also be Worn" (in Japanese).

71. Death claims the aged, the weary and worn.

72. These phrases were worn out ten years ago.

73. The woodiness adornment of window edge is worn.

74. Your outfit is most becoming.

75. The audience was becoming restless.

76. The humidity was becoming unbearable.

77. Beholding and Becoming Chip Whitman

78. Becoming cloudy late this afternoon.

79. 9 She was becoming confused.

80. Male infertility is becoming commonplace.