Use "bearded man" in a sentence

1. A bearded man got on the bus.

2. Sullenly Hendrik looked away from the tall bearded man.

3. A thin, bearded man sat opposite me on the train.

4. They were listening with keen attention to a tall, white - bearded man standing alongside an overhead projector.

5. Asclepius is portrayed as a kind, bearded man; the staff and the snake are his attributes

6. A fresh , comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray - bearded man.

7. The bearded man had on a fez, the other's head was bare, and the snow had lodged in his hair.

8. Mohammed Sain, a white-bearded man in a soiled turban, said that eight of his relatives had lived in this building.

9. The tones sounded, to the boy's Benumbed senses, far away, as a heavily bearded man knelt down and placed his hand upon his heart