Use "bear witness against" in a sentence

1. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor:

2. “That one will bear witness about me; and you, in turn, are to bear witness.”

3. Determined to Bear Thorough Witness

4. 25 min: “‘Bear Thorough Witness’ —By Apartment Witnessing.”

5. The entire village will bear witness to this.

6. □ How does ‘the spirit bear witness’ with some Christians?

7. The testimony of the chief witness doesn't bear scrutiny.

8. I bear my solemn witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

9. This morning I bear witness of the importance of prayer.

10. I bear a solemn witness that Jesus is the Christ.

11. 20 min: “Offer the Magazines That Bear Witness to the Truth.”

12. Their heart’s desire is to bear thorough witness about God’s Kingdom.

13. His primary concern was to “bear thorough witness” despite any tribulation.

14. 5, These art works bear witness to the Creativeness of the Chinese people

15. The ability to read well helps us to bear witness from God’s Word.

16. I bear certain witness of the scriptures as a key to our spiritual protection.

17. I bear witness that He lives and loves us and will watch over us.

18. I don't bear any grudge against you.

19. How did Paul continue to bear witness when he was in custody in Rome?

20. Compel: verb bear down against , bear hard upon , blackmail , bring pressure to bear upon , burden , cause , coerce , cogere , command , Compellere , constrain

21. Why, bear witness of the actual, historical Messiah or Christ, Jesus the Son of God.

22. “Bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God.” —ACTS 20:24.

23. The yeartext for 2009 will be: “Bear thorough witness to the good news.” —Acts 20:24.

24. 8 Jesus spared no effort and passed up no opportunity to bear witness to the Kingdom.

25. Why does Jehovah call upon the heavens and the earth to bear witness to Judah’s revolt?

26. Amateurish In their mixture of Amateurish incompleteness and ambitious effort, the pages bear witness to a conflict

27. Therefore, continue to bear thorough witness while you strive to keep yourself clean from Satan’s unholy world.

28. Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.

29. If we are interrogated by secular authorities, how will we be able to bear witness with courage?

30. I can't bear the thought of Batty playing against Leeds.

31. Your innocent smiles made me bear up against my misfortunes.

32. Bear to give birth to: Bear a child; to suffer; endure; undergo: Bear the blame; to bring: Bear gifts; to render; afford; give: Bear witness, Bear testimony; an animal: a polar Bear Not to be confused with: bare – unadorned, plain: Tell me the bare facts.; naked; without covering or clothing: bare midriff; scarcely sufficient: the bare necessities

33. He also came into the world to “bear witness to the truth” and to make known God’s purposes.

34. That is his knowledge of God’s Word of truth and the ability to bear witness to God’s kingdom.

35. These wreathes of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth bear witness to the Earth's original atmosphere.

36. And I bear witness, that he, by his faithful and powerful testimony, cleared his garments of their blood.

37. The bridge can bear up against the force of the current.

38. It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.

39. But a gracious Heavenly Father has blessed me with the ability to bear a witness of my Savior.

40. Numerous place names and local legends in the area still bear witness to the historic battle of 927.

41. 1 Jesus made it clear that he had come into the world to bear witness to the truth.

42. India's struggle against the menace of terrorism has been going on for decades now, and records and archives of India's foreign policy documents will bear witness to our efforts to curb this menace.

43. Attestation (countable and uncountable, plural Attestations) A thing that serves to bear witness, confirm, or authenticate; validation, verification, documentation

44. The early Christians did not risk their lives merely to bear witness about a wise teacher who was murdered.

45. Attestation ( countable and uncountable, plural Attestations ) A thing that serves to bear witness, confirm, or authenticate; validation, verification, documentation

46. “For this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” —John 18:37.

47. 17 How can you know,[] wench? Facts bear strong against him.

48. Attesting witness Attesting witness; Attesting witness Definition

49. This old bridge can hardly bear up against the force of torrents.

50. I testified against her as a professional witness in a Rwanda war crimes tribunal.

51. As true Christians, we cannot bear thorough witness about God’s Kingdom unless we learn to share God’s view of people.

52. 27 Half way across the site, the earth is scorched, and the remnants of dwellings bear witness to a horrendous fire.

53. The events of the last several days bear tragic witness to the fact that he has abjectly failed to do so.

54. Her desolate site bears witness to the final fulfillment of the inspired prophecies against her.

55. The events of the last several days bear tragic witness to the fact that he has abjectly failed to do so

56. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.

57. False witness, perjury, rash judgment, detraction, or Calumny – all are offenses against the truth of the

58. Jehovah became “a speedy witness against” such, and you know that his adverse judgment was just.

59. Be any good be apprenticed to beaproned bear Bear bearability bearable bearably bear a hand bear animalcule bear a resemblance bear arms bear away bearbaiting bearberry bearberry willow Bearbind bearbine bearbrush bear bush bear cat bear caterpillar bear claw bear clover bear corn beard Beard bear dance bearded

60. Jesus assured the disciple Ananias that Saul would bear witness “to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.”

61. No bear or bear or grizzly bear?

62. When a competent and Compellable witness will not attend to give evidence at trial voluntarily, they can be required to do so by issuing a witness summons against them

63. I bear you my witness that our Father lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and of the reality of the great plan of happiness.

64. After Korah’s rebellion, Aaron’s rod was put in the Ark to serve as a witness against that generation.

65. No brown bear or panda bear or grizzly bear?

66. 4 No brown bear or panda bear or grizzly bear?

67. Jehovah will become a speedy witness against sorcerers, adulterers, those swearing falsely, defrauders, and oppressors. —3:1-5.

68. Bear Cut Files, Bear Claw Cut Files, Bear Paw Cut Files, Bear SVG Cut Files, Bear DXF Cut Files, Bear Eps / Png / Jpeg Files 0061 TwilightEmbroidery

69. " Say: "Allah is witness between me and you; This Qurán hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allah there are other gods?

70. 14 It is fitting that those who bear witness to Jesus should view the Memorial of his death as a high point in their year.

71. I bear my witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He was crucified and suffered for the sins of the world.

72. A pathological liar, for example, might not be the most Credible witness for your case against the bank robber.

73. At Avebury you are free to wander among the stones and bear witness to the enormous task of building the henge bank and ditch by hand

74. The witness is recalled to the witness box.

75. A Witness

76. + 20 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,+ do not murder,+ do not steal,+ do not bear false witness,+ honor your father and your mother.’”

77. “Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

78. In Bear *, Bear has a description in the page but in Bear Bear (Alpha) he doesn't.

79. He told Pontius Pilate: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”

80. A true witness delivereth a deceitful witness speaketh lies.