Use "bear testimony to" in a sentence

1. THE pyramids of Egypt bear testimony to men who once ruled that land.

2. 10 Punta Banda's ghostly streets, vacant houses and shuttered hotel bear testimony to dreams gone sour.

3. Those requests bear testimony to the quality of the Institute’s activities and the increasing demand for diplomatic training.

4. The large number and superb craftsmanship of the burial accessories found there bear testimony to the advanced level of Shang crafts industry.

5. South Africa is a melting pot for its many cultures and the Cape Town Bihari Restaurant bear testimony to the magical experience of Indian dining amongst the mother city's diverse locals

6. Muhammad Iqbal (1877–1938), a poet and philosopher, said: "I have carefully studied the decrees of Imam Ahmed Raza and thereby formed this opinion; and his Fatawa bear testimony to his acumen, intellectual caliber, the quality of his creative thinking, his excellent jurisdiction and his ocean-like Islamic knowledge.