Use "bax" in a sentence

1. Bid heterodimerises with either agonist BAX or antagonist BCL2

2. MAP4K3 orchestrates activation of BAX via the concerted posttranscriptional modulation of PUMA, Bad, and BIM.

3. A Breviate of the Life of Margaret, the Daughter of Francis Charlton, Es{que} and late Wife of Richard Bax∣ter, who dyed June 14

4. In 1900 Bax moved on to the Royal Academy of Music, where he remained until 1905, studying composition with Frederick Corder and piano with Tobias Matthay.

5. Optogenetische Apoptose: Eine optogenetische Strategie transformiert proapoptotische Bax‐Mutanten mit Aberrantem Verhalten in lichtresponsive, genetisch kodierte Konstrukte, die auf Bestrahlung hin gezielt den Zelltod auslösen können.

6. Optogenetische Apoptose: Eine optogenetische Strategie transformiert proapoptotische Bax‐Mutanten mit Aberrantem Verhalten in lichtresponsive, genetisch kodierte Konstrukte, die auf Bestrahlung hin gezielt den Zelltod auslösen können.

7. According to Bax, this captures the nature of human subjectivity better than the way Cartesianism does, since W's account gives a more balanced treatment of the relation between inner and outer, or self and other, than the Cartesian one-sided treatment, which overemphasizes only one aspect of the human subject, namely, the mental aspect (the mind).