Use "bawdy house" in a sentence

1. This ain't no bawdy house.

2. The term refers to a madam of the Bawdy house

3. Synonyms for Brothelry include bordello, brothel, cathouse, whorehouse, bagnio, bawdy house, stew, crib, disorderly house and drum

4. Synonyms for Bagnio include cathouse, bordello, brothel, whorehouse, stew, bawdy house, disorderly house, sporting house, drum and crib

5. A long-faced virgin trapped in a Bawdy house and calling in valiant tones for a glass of lemonade

6. 19 synonyms for Bordello: brothel, whorehouse, red-light district, cathouse, house of ill repute, knocking shop, bawdy house, house of prostitution, bagnio

7. There are many synonyms of Bagnios which include Bagnio, Bordello, Whorehouse, House Of Ill Repute, Massage Parlor, Cathouse, Bawdy House, Call House, Den Of Iniquity, House Of Assignation, House With Red Doors, etc.