Use "basques" in a sentence

1. Basques synonyms, Basques pronunciation, Basques translation, English dictionary definition of Basques

2. Corsets, Basques & Waspies

3. The Basques (pronounced BASKS) are …

4. Basques Basques were expert fishermen and sailors from the southeast corner of the Bay of Biscay

5. The language of the Basques, of

6. 19 The Basques' progress towards autonomy was sluggish.

7. 16 The Basques' progress towards autonomy was sluggish.

8. Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.

9. 12 Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.

10. The language of the Basques, of no known linguistic affiliation

11. The Basques divided into Republicans, laicist Jacobins (but for a nuanced position held by Xaho), and Royalists (traditional Catholics), with the latter prevailing among the Basques

12. The Basques may be the oldest ethnic group in Europe

13. The Basques are a people with a unique history and culture

14. Most Basques live in northern Spain, but some live in southern France

15. They said, like all Basques, you were only fit for chopping wood.

16. The Spanish and French Basques belong to another haplogroup than their neighbors

17. Basques whose first loyalty is to Spain (or to France) might put the same facts in a different way: the Basques form a regional culture, dominant in three Spanish provinces and, to a …

18. By examining certain DNA sequences, we can analyze the genetic origin of the Basques.

19. Most Basques have type O blood, with a high incidence of RH negative

20. Some Basques have moved away from Europe, mostly to South America and the United States.

21. Basques as migrants from the North of Africa, more exactly from the Berber ethnic group

22. We will mainly be in Spain to study the Basques, but to provide a comparative perspective for our study of the Basques we will first spend ten days studying the Catalan situation in Barcelona, …

23. The Basques and the Gascons Annihilated them, and among the fallen was the Frankish commander Roland

24. The Basques are a single people who live in two countries—northwest Spain and southwest France

25. The Basques, romantics to a man, believed that Fate would give Biarritz a helping hand.

26. Basques are a conservative ethnic group who do not identify themselves with Spanish and French people.

27. Basques are present in every state of the United States but are concentrated in California, Idaho, and Nevada

28. Basques are a cultural isolate, and, according to mainly allele frequencies of classical polymorphisms, also a genetic isolate

29. The Basques base their conception of the people on the blood that flows in their veins” 4

30. Although some are descended from Basques who came to the area in the 1800s to work as sheepherders, most

31. Basques are found in the far northwest of Spain and over the border in the far southwest of France

32. The Basques have a unique culture, language and many traditions that differ greatly from their Spanish and French neighbours

33. The land inhabited by the Basques has a mild and damp climate and is largely hilly and wooded

34. Basques have a long-standing history of self-determination, which has resulted in resistance to external political, religious, and social control

35. Basker (baskiska: euskaldunak; spanska: vascos; franska: basques) är ett ursprungsfolk i mellan västra Pyrenéerna och Biscayabukten

36. The Basques have prospered, though their distinctive language and culture were sometimes suppressed, giving rise to a modern violent separatist movement

37. Basques as Neolithic immigrants or even as an Iberian tribe (the latter based in arguable similarities between Iberian and

38. Due to similarities in place names and personal names, the Basques may be related to a people called the Vascones

39. We investigated the differentiation of Spanish Basques from the rest of Iberian populations by means of a dense, genome-wide SNP array.

40. Genetically, Basques, Spaniards, and Frenchmen are very strongly differentiated from each other, so that a genetic differentiation between the groups is possible

41. Another salient genetic feature in Basques is the shape and sutures (bone joints) of their cranial bones [The Reptilian skull ridge].

42. All Bluebella Basques take this classic lingerie look and add a contemporary, directional feel, using the softest and most flattering materials in …

43. Boning isn't just for corsets, you can use it for adding structure and shape to lingerie basques, swimwear and evening wear

44. Bryce Basques, MD, MHS, is currently a fourth-year resident in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Rush University Medical Center

45. The Basques are kent in the local leids as: Euskaldunak ("Basque speakers", uised loosely tae descrive aw ethnic Basques), euskal herritarrak ("natives o the Basque Kintra") or euskotarrak ("natives of the Basque Kintra", an aften mentioned but rarely uised neologism) in Basque

46. Some popular styles include wearing Corsets and basques over shirts or dresses to highlight and slim the waist, creating a feminine silhouette

47. The Basques have unique customs and a language - Euskera - that is unrelated to any other spoken in Europe, or indeed the world

48. The Basques have managed, somehow, to maintain their identity and their relative geographic isolation, but they lost their political independence a long time ago

49. The Basques have the highest proportion of rhesus-negative blood in Europe, but they also have one of the highest percentages of type-O blood (55%)

50. From totally soft Basques to more corset-like creations with wire and slim panels of boning, our range of basque lingerie is chic and elegant

51. One of these peoples are the Basques, a European ethnic group that numbers around three million people that inhabit their traditional homeland called the Basque Country

52. Basophilias: basophilic basophilic degeneration basophilic leukaemia basophilic leukocyte basophilic leukocytosis basophilic leukopenia (current term) basophilic substance basophilism basophilocyte basophils: basoplasm basosquamous carcinoma basotemporal basqued basques basquine basquines

53. Since starting to read extensively about world history, I have been hoping that Captivating History would write about a unique ethnic minority in France and Spain called the Basques

54. The Basques of south-western France and northern Spain have an extremely ancient and distinctive culture that includes a language, Euskara, with no undisputed link with any other language

55. It was the Basques, remember, who bushwhacked Charlemagne's rear guard under Roland in the late 8th century; they didn't want to be part of someone else's country then, and they don't

56. We found that Basques share common genetic features with other European populations, but at the same time present some autochthonous (local) lineages that make them unique," said Quintana-Murci

57. Basques Name Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair)

58. 17 hours ago · The Basques seem to have been marked, since the Iron Age, by both geographic and cultural isolation, including, to a degree, from each other

59. Basques are particularly noted for an identification with sheepherding and are therefore present to some degree in the open-range livestock districts of all thirteen states of the American West.

60. This is the name of a character in the historical novel Amaya, or the Basques in the 8th century (1879) by Francisco Navarro-Villoslada (Amaya in the Spanish original; Amaia in the Basque translation).

61. INFO SESSION Thursday, October 16, 2014, from 3:30pm to 5:00pm in the CHID Lounge This program studies two groups that are currently agitating for independence in Spain: the Basques and the Catalans

62. The Basques established important markers of their ethnic presence by erecting several still-standing sandstone buildings, including three boarding houses, a fronton (for jai alai, pelota, or handball), and an essentially Basque-built Catholic church

63. Women's Lace Up Corsets & Bustiers Women's Basques and Corsets Whether they are worn as seductive underwear or even as a risqué addition to an outfit for a big night out, you can't go wrong with a corset or basque.

64. The Basques worshipped Djaun-Giokkoak (Janicot), the All-Father All-Mother who created the three forms of light: Egia (truth), the light of the soul, Begia (eye), the light of the body and Etchia (sun), the light of the earthly day.

65. The Basques, through inbreeding, ethnic solidarity, and the possession of a recognized national ideal type, have developed a characteristic physiognomy, the essential features of which are nasal prominence and a narrowness of the median sagittal facial segment, and of the mandible."

66. The Basques have occupied much the same area of northern Spain and southern France for thousands of years, extending further eastward and northwards into Gascony and the Pyrenees, as attested by archaeological and toponymical evidence, and speak a language whose ties to other living languages are unclear at …

67. Créateur d'accessoires et de vêtements fabriqués en France et inspirés de l'élégance décontractée qui fait le succès de Biarritz, Bayadera revisite les traditionnelles toiles basques et d'autres matières authentiques dans l'univers de la mode contemporaine.

68. The Basque diaspora is the name given to describe people of Basque origin living outside their traditional homeland on the borders between Spain and France.Many Basques have left the Basque Country for other parts of the globe for economic and political reasons, with substantial populations in Colombia, Argentina and Chile with those of Basque ancestry in the hundreds of thousands; Mexico

69. The Basques arrived in Chile in the 18th century from their homeland in northern Spain (see Basque Provinces) and parts of southwestern France, as merchants and due to their hard work and entrepreneurship, rose to the top of the social scale and intermarried into the Chilean elites of Castilian descent.This union is the basis of the Chilean elite of today.