Use "barbiturates" in a sentence

1. Barbiturates Barbiturates Barbiturates

2. Different Barbiturates clear …

3. What are Barbiturates (baar·bi·chr·uhts)? Barbiturates are known as depressants or downers

4. Barbiturates dissolve easily in fat

5. Barbiturates: Definition Barbiturates are medicines that act on the central nervous system and cause drowsiness and can control seizures

6. Barbiturates are used to treat headaches

7. Then barbiturates when I get back.

8. Barbiturates are substances that act as depressants on the central nervous system. In low doses Barbiturates have a sedative or tranquilizing effect

9. What are Barbiturates (Barbs)? Barbiturates (frequently referred to as “ barbs ”) are a class of drugs that are central nervous system depressants

10. Barbiturates Slurred speech, Weak and rapid pulse,

11. Barbiturates are drugs that cause relaxation and sleepiness

12. Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates are central nervous system depressants

13. Barbiturate overdose is poisoning due to excessive doses of Barbiturates

14. Barbiturates are classified as ultrashort, short, intermediate, and long-acting

15. The abuse of Barbiturates increased in a similar fashion.

16. Barbiturates are a kind of depressant or sedative drug

17. The effects of barbiturates occur via the GABA neurotransmitter.

18. Depressants (barbiturates) can cause delirium, hallucinations, convulsions and coma.

19. Barbiturates were first introduced for medical use in the early 1900s

20. A fatal overdose on Barbiturates is typified by difficulty breathing

21. Anxiolytics and sedatives include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and related drugs

22. Barbiturates are a class of drugs developed from barbituric acid

23. Amytal is one of the few Barbiturates still used today

24. Barbiturates are a class of drugs called central nervous system (CNS) depressants. When taken as prescribed, Barbiturates help people with insomnia or with symptoms of anxiety

25. Amytal works in the same fashion as all depressants and barbiturates

26. Barbiturates, which work by depressing the activity of the central …

27. Barbiturates are typically used to treat anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and seizures

28. Barbiturates are used for sedation and to treat epilepsy and insomnia

29. Barbiturates are also one of the drugs most commonly used in suicide attempts.

30. The ultrashort-acting Barbiturates produce anesthesia within about one minute after intravenous administration

31. Barbiturates are considered to have a high potential for abuse and addiction

32. Barbiturates are a type of drug that depresses the central nervous system.

33. The ultrashort-acting Barbiturates, such as thiopental, are used as intravenous anesthetics

34. The overall hydrophilic (polar) or lipophilic (non-polar) character of the Barbiturates is …

35. At fairly low doses, Barbiturates may make you seem drunk or intoxicated

36. Barbiturates are a group of drugs in the class known as sedative‐hypnotics

37. Barbiturates may also be used in a hospital setting for pre-operative sedation.

38. Barbiturates are drugs that can be used for a wide range of reasons

39. Barbiturates are a group of drugs that have calming effects on the body

40. Barbiturates are a class of drugs prescribed to treat headaches, insomnia, and seizures.

41. Also known as sedative-hypnotic drugs, Barbiturates make people very relaxed, calm, and sleepy

42. Because Barbiturates are highly addictive, they present a large risk of abuse and overdose.

43. Most reports of clinically significant drug interactions occurring with the barbiturates have involved phenoBarbital

44. Abused Anxiolytics and sedatives include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and other drugs taken to promote sleep

45. The overall hydrophilic (polar) or lipophilic (non-polar) character of the Barbiturates is a function of:

46. Despite the many legitimate reasons to use Barbiturates, this drug is highly abused and addictive

47. Barbiturates are effective as anxiolytics, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants, but have physical and psychological addiction potential.

48. Barbiturates typically produce pleasant effects in the body such as reduced tension and calm

49. The Barbiturate withdrawal timeline depends on a number of factors including a person’s age, the length of time s/he has been on Barbiturates, other mental and emotional conditions and how much Barbiturates one has used.

50. Barbiturates, including amobarbital (Amytal), pentobarbital (Nembutal), phenobarbital (Luminal), and secobarbital (Seconal), are central nervous system depressants

51. Barbiturates are synthetic drugs which used to be regularly prescribed for anxiety, depression and insomnia

52. This is especially true as other drug classes have commonly replaced Barbiturates for various uses

53. Purpose Barbiturates are in the group of medicines known as central nervous system depressants (CNS)

54. Barbiturates are CNS depressants, also called sedatives or tranquilizers, which are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders

55. As with most other barbiturates, Amytal slows down the body's circulatory system, as well as your heart rate.This …

56. Therefore, Barbiturates have ready access to the brain because they can cross the blood brain barrier easily

57. Barbiturates have been around for a long time and we still don’t know which receptors they hit

58. Barbiturates are highly addictive substances, which means you can become reliant on them with prolonged or frequent …

59. Interactions Allergin enhances sedative effect of CNS depressants including alcohol, barbiturates, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, sedatives and tranquilizers

60. Barbiturates belong to the group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) depressants (medicines that cause drowsiness)

61. During the 20th century, more than 2,500 Barbiturates were made, but only 50 came onto the market.

62. Barbiturates were frequently used as hypnotics after Barbital was first developed in 1903 (Institute of Medicine, 1979)

63. Barbiturates are derivatives of barbituric acid (malonyl urea), which is formed from malonic acid and urea

64. Pharmacokinetics and Barbiturates: Introduction and Overview: Barbiturates: Although barbituric acid was the first Barbiturate synthesized over hundred years ago, thiopental (Pentothal) has been clinical use for about 70 years in its use mark the beginning of IV anesthesia

65. Because Barbiturates produce psychological and physical dependence and have serious toxic side-effects (see barbiturism), their use has declined

66. Definition Barbiturates are medicines that act on the central nervous system and cause drowsiness and can control seizures.

67. Amytal exhibits short-term effects similar to other barbiturates including drowsiness, relaxation, heavy limbs, and loss of coordination

68. Also, because Barbiturates dissolve into body fat, they can accumulate and re-enter the blood stream later

69. Barbiturates (frequently referred to as “ barbs ”) are a class of drugs that are central nervous system depressants

70. Usually found in capsulated form, Barbiturates are a central nervous system depressant sought as a sleep and relaxation aid

71. A considerable and interesting reduction of the barbiturates adsorption in the columns is obtained by preliminary conditioning with tetraethylorthosilicate.

72. Barbiturates are sedative -hypnotics, a type of central nervous system (CNS) depressant used to treat insomnia, seizures, and headaches

73. Barbiturates bind to specific sites on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-sensitive ion channels found within the central nervous system (CNS)

74. Barbiturate General Structure and Numbering • Barbiturates contain a “balance” of hydrophilic (2,4,6-pyrimidinetrione ring structure) and lipophilic (5,5’-substituents) functionality

75. Barbiturates effects can give the user a high feeling that is similar to alcohol intoxication if used in doses higher than prescribed

76. Barbiturates freely cross the placenta, resulting in neonatal addiction if taken by the mother regularly during the third trimester of pregnancy

77. Often referred to as barbs, drugs such as amobarbital, pentobarbital, secobarbital, butalbital, butabarbital, talbutal, and aprobarbital are all classed as Barbiturates.

78. Piracetam and TRH analogues Antagonise inhibition by barbiturates, diazepam, melatonin and galanin of human erythrocyte D-glucose transport Br J Pharmacol

79. Barbiturates are typically classified according to speed of onset and duration of action, such as ultrashort, short, intermediate, and long-acting.

80. Combination Analgesics that combine aspirin or acetaminophen with barbiturates or narcotics can provide greater pain relief than can either agent alone