Use "balance of power" in a sentence

1. ♫ a balance of power, ♫

2. AI nations work to maintain the balance of power.

3. Britain still held the balance of power in Europe.

4. Recent developments have swayed the balance of power in the region.

5. Some headway has been made towards restoring the balance of power.

6. I want there to be a balance of power at the top.

7. If you're right, this upsets the balance of power in Italy, Lorenzo.

8. A small centre party holds the balance of power in the Assembly.

9. 25 The war brought about a shift in the balance of power.

10. 19 Both countries have a vested interest in maintaining the balance of power.

11. This shifts the balance of power towards leasing companies and vehicle hire groups.

12. Crisis situations tend to tilt the balance of power in favour of the president.

13. But the balance of power between these two deadly killers is a precarious one.

14. Case said these seemingly contradictory deals were simple exercises in economic balance of power.

15. We can be a secret society that controls the balance of power in the world.

16. The power of the wind is at your command.The balance of power must be preserved.

17. Kennedy explained after the crisis that "it would have politically changed the balance of power.

18. The shift in the balance of power in the region has had far-reaching consequences.

19. Realizing how this would upset the balance of power, the other European rulers were outraged.

20. Since 1969 the centrist Free Democrats have held the balance of power in the Bundestag.

21. The indicators so that each stock Straddle the balance of power is no doubt a glance.

22. The election of so many Republicans to Congress has changed the balance of power in Washington.

23. 16 The power of the wind is at your command.The balance of power must be preserved.

24. “Slavery so perverted the balance of power that it made the degradation of the subordinate Caste …

25. The dominant female has taken the newcomer under her wing, and subtly shifted the balance of power.

26. It seeks not to influence any shifting 'balance of power' but to strengthen the 'balance of principle'".

27. These governments did not represent the actual balance of power among the different sectors of Nicaraguan society.

28. 22 Critics say the law upsets the balance of power by delegating legislative authority to the executive branch.

29. I would argue that there has been a fundamental shift in the balance of power in the world.

30. "We cannot disassociate current developments from the overall strategic balance of power, " in the region, says Professor Han.

31. Under this plan, language and cultural identification was encouraged, and the disproportionate balance of power would be corrected.

32. The DLP remained an influential political force, often holding the balance of power in the Senate, until 1974.

33. His expansion into Europe had given the Ottoman Turks a powerful presence in the European balance of power.

34. The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.

35. Judicious negotiators will at this stage look to the future to assess likely changes in the balance of power.

36. The process of economic development was accompanied by a balance of power between the crown and the landed nobility.

37. Since the two main parties each won the same number of seats, the minority party holds the balance of power.

38. Sixthly, the role of prudence in constraining the activities of states especially when there was a perceived balance of power.

39. Burr’s departure as Intelligence Committee chairman also has implications for the delicate balance of power between the government’s executive and …

40. The dominance of Western members dropped to 40% of the membership, with Afro-Asian states holding the balance of power.

41. A nebulous collective leadership, including the chiefs of the powerful armed forces, may still be holding the balance of power.

42. This Clientelism is an exchange between actors who have unequal balance of power, one being weaker, and the other being stronger

43. But despite their endorsement in the municipal elections last October, it is not the moderates who hold the balance of power.

44. The expected Acquittal also has profound and long-term ramifications for America’s institutions and the balance of power between the executive and …

45. At any number of points events could have developed in dramatically different ways if the balance of power had shifted only slightly.

46. The entire balance of power in the world about to shift, 2 guys can still have a stare-down over who gets the girl.

47. Compromises in the Constitution The 18th-century statesmen who met in Philadelphia believed in the Enlightenment concept of the balance of power in politics

48. Further information: Buck passing Balancing and buck-passing are the main strategies for preserving the balance of power and preventing a potential hegemon’s rise.

49. However, Wang Hua pointed out that the coup leaders were in a collective leadership, and the balance of power ensured that they could not commit treason.

50. Enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power in Congress, the Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

51. The concept of buffer states is part of a theory of the balance of power that entered European strategic and diplomatic thinking in the 17th century.

52. The capture of the strategically central city of Toledo in 1085 marked a significant shift in the balance of power in favour of the Christian kingdoms.

53. By 1700, the Ottomans had been driven out of Hungary and the balance of power along the frontier had shifted decisively in favor of the West.

54. This movement was designed to be a bulwark against the 'dangerous polarization' of the world at that time and to restore balance of power with smaller nations.

55. Although the Congress of Vienna preserved the balance of power in Europe, it could not check the spread of revolutionary movements across the continent some 30 years later.

56. Particl Project was formed on that basis, aiming to create technological solutions that shift the balance of power from corporate monopolies and other Arbitrarinesses to you, the individual

57. Urban VIII's military involvement was aimed less at the restoration of Catholicism in Europe than at adjusting the balance of power to favour his own independence in Italy.

58. The militarization generated in society changed the balance of power favorably for the criollos (in contrast to peninsulars), as well as the development of the Peninsular War in Spain.

59. Battledored Vera" the growth to manhood of the boys created "a balance of power that kept the house more or less peaceful"; yet even this was shattered

60. However, French efforts ended in failure when the Anglo-Prussian coalition prevailed, and Britain's rise as among the world's predominant powers destroyed France's supremacy in Europe, thus altering the European balance of power.

61. There is space opening up in the international system for medium powers and others to play a more active role in this world of multiple powers, economically interlinked and embedded in a new balance of power.

62. 1918, Arthur Balfour, Response to Woodrow Wilsons Speech of 11 February 1918: Coming to the third proposition, von Hertling says, with justice, that the doctrine of the balance of power is a more or less Antiquated doctrine.

63. After the Privy Council challenged the government by attempting to reject several government decisions, and by attempting to assert itself on certain foreign policy issues, it became clear that the balance of power was with the elected government.

64. Although he was weaker than many of the warlords that surrounded him, he often held the balance of power between neighboring rivals, and even those that he betrayed hesitated to retaliate against him in case they might need his support in the future.

65. Chapter 3: Bismarckian Foreign Policy (1871-1890) (A) Bismarck’s Pax Europa A New Balance of Power We have seen that, in terms of domestic policy, Bismarck spent much of his time seeking out enemies of the Reich and neutralising their impact either by coercion, paternalism or brute force

66. Murphy offered three justifications for the anti-Commandeering rule: (1) to protect liberty by ensuring a healthy balance of power between the states and the federal government; (2) to promote political accountability by avoiding the blurring of which government is to credit or blame for a particular policy; (3) to prevent Congress from

67. Of Southern California) explores the Bilateral diplomacy between the two countries in order to uncover the reasons for the negotiated alliance, how negotiations were conducted, key participants in the negotiations, the nature of the alliance, and the significance of the alliance for the balance of power in the East, among other issues.

68. ‘This was the theory of Alienation whereby the audience, already familiar with the story line, does not get caught up with the narrative.’ ‘The two works amply demonstrate ways in which the separation of voice and image can be used by a director to create Alienation in the audience and to shift the balance of power between characters on

69. But the party system and the FA’s internal balance of power do not favor any turn abrupt toward radical left or populism. Indeed, because populist tactics are likely to prove self-defeating in the presidential campaign, Mujica started supporting Vázquez’s administration’s record and made Astori his candidate to be Vice President, entitled to take the lead on economic policy and participate in the executive. To stress their social democratic credentials both candidates, Mujica and Astori, have gone on pilgrimages to the United States, Brazil, and Chile.