Use "bad idea" in a sentence

1. I think it's a bad idea, Derrick.

2. Grappling with them is a bad idea.

3. Are you saying that it's a bad idea?

4. Having contact with your father is a bad idea.

5. 8 Are you saying that it's a bad idea?

6. 'Cause I told Shrek those rats were a bad idea.

7. Nuclear energy, fission, is a really bad idea for bombs.

8. I think that, uh..., it's an incredibly bad idea, Master Bruce.

9. "I think relinquishment is a bad idea for three reasons, " says Kurzweil.

10. Sleeping in the nude, if it suits you, is not a bad idea.

11. Now, after the marriage ceremony Slue-foot Sue got a really bad idea.

12. We both thought that all in all it might not be a bad idea.

13. Such conversation assures even if the most muddleheaded husband, also won't meet of bad idea.

14. Now it looks like that bad idea will be played out during an election year.

15. This description will warn you if it is a bad idea to remove the action.

16. You could say, for example, that a bad idea is not worth a hill of beans.

17. Nobody knows for sure, but taking reasonable precautions against needless exposure cannot be a bad idea!

18. And now because live demos are always a bad idea, we're going to try a live demo.

19. There's no need to Belabour the point!" Belabouring to a convinced audience is a bad idea

20. I saw my first queenie, chomping through a loch, and discovered that laughing underwater is a bad idea.

21. Last minute Cramming for exams is a bad idea, take it from someone who was a professional crammer.

22. 24 Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be slightly more circumspect about looking for her.

23. If your bureau does this it is no bad idea to volunteer to be included on the rota.

24. Some one, somewhere, figured out that a shapely, karate-dispensing ebony superwoman wouldn't be at all a bad idea.

25. Arming Teachers: Good or Bad Idea? Explores the issue of Arming teachers as a solution to mass shooters in schools

26. She had no doubt it would be a very bad idea for them to go in search of Oliver and Cobalt.

27. Requiring a central bank to support a flagging currency will remain a bad idea after the union is formed, Tietmeyer said.

28. There are, however, cases where Broadcasting is a bad idea because it leads to inefficient use of memory that slows computation.

29. Not only is this a poor way to Acclimate fish, but dumping pet store water into your tank is a bad idea.

30. Do you think Colosseums sports should come back in 2021? because if you want make some money is this bad idea? 8

31. I absolutely supported the views of His Excellency that there should not be any protectionism - that is a very bad idea - in such times.

32. Using 303 Fabric Guard on vinyl is a really BAD idea, as I noticed some overspary onto my vinyl resulted in removing the Aerospace coating

33. ‘Mask up, America!’ Texas Abandons COVID-19 mask mandate — health experts say that’s a really, really bad idea Published: March 11, 2021 at 8:32 p.m

34. Texas Abandons COVID-19 mask mandate with health experts saying that’s a bad idea and why the last batch of housing aid hasn’t fully made its …

35. Well, term life insurance is Actuarially negative for the buyer (the insurance company makes a profit), that doesn't mean buying it is a bad idea for many, many people

36. It is as if the solution to a default involves dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting yourself on fire. May I suggest that this is perhaps a bad idea.

37. Watch Anchorman online to learn why milk is a bad idea, why eating a why eating a wheel of cheese is impressive and for many other hilarious reasons as well

38. Depending on the consistency of your Breadfruit, it might not be a bad idea to prep up an extra 1/2 cup of butter to use once the Breadfruit is quartered.

39. His View: Bureaucratizing first responders is a bad idea An investigation into the Pullman Fire Department’s rescue of about 20 people during the Mission Flat Creek flood on April 9 bollixes the

40. That’s why even considering Bailing from a high-profile game with a historic rival for the potential short-term payout of an extra home game versus lesser competition was a bad idea.

41. 2 days ago · Blacklisting a customer who wrote a legit one star review on Googlegood or bad idea? Posted by GetCocky11 on 3/22/21 at 12:56 pm

42. After a Breakup, it might not be a bad idea to just play both of Sam Smith‘s albums on back-to-back repeat for a few days — if your heart can handle it

43. Acure’s Pure Ingredients Speak for Themselves Relying on Mother Nature for ingredients is never a bad idea, and Acure packs its skincare products with such natural, organic ingredients as argan oil, aloe, pomegranate, rosehips

44. When asked to comment on the practice of Colonics, most physicians say "bad idea.” On the other hand, many naturopathic doctors and alternative-health practitioners recommend Colonics and even offer them in their practice

45. I can not do this Anymorei do not like this job so now you are aloneI am going to join a group of other Indigenous people from Victoria FINE! It was a bad idea to join this group

46. Examples of Antebellum in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web At her big age, Rachael absolutely knew that an Antebellum era themed-party that had been banned by the school and had to be held off campus was a bad idea

47. ‘Stringy Beanpole players who are long in the arm and short on energy will say anything to convince you that it's a bad idea to run back and forth.’ ‘Mary admits her youngest son was a scrawny little chap who became a Beanpole youngster, so gangly he needed elastic …

48. See Game of Buttholes/Will of the Caretaker Deciding that Episode Vetoes were a bad idea for DS9, (both because they weren't familiar enough with the episodes and in practice from TNG), but still wanting a game element in the next episode section: Ben & Adam decided to introduce an element for random drunkenness

49. Independent private school kids take expensive Crammer lessons to help pass these stringent snobby entrance exam tests.: After his re-sits at a Crammer, he journeyed north to Edinburgh University to study divinity.: Last minute cramming for exams is a bad idea, take it from someone who was a professional Crammer.: Even so, he left a year early and went off to a Crammer in Brighton to do his A

50. The change of that day to a comemoration of Jesus, Lover of Mankind was a way for the Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy to "Byzantinize" the latinized commemoration of the Sacred Heartand not really a bad idea if a traditional Moleben can be celebrated on that day with the Kanon to Sweetest Jesus, the Lover of MankindI'd go for it, that Kanon is very beautiful and way cool and/or the Akafist