Use "bad dream" in a sentence

1. 22 He awoke from a bad dream.

2. But then ... it was like waking up out of a bad dream.

3. Not a broken arm or a bad dream or a broken heart.

4. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.

5. I've forgotten to write down the bad dream I had last night.

6. The good dream brings the recollection that you dulcify, does the so bad dream, evil-foreboding dream, strange dream bring you what?

7. Definition of Crone : a cruel or ugly old woman … chocolate-colored rock formations that look like giant toadstools, fat old Crones, and creatures from a bad dream.

8. Finally Richards got up and strode aimlessly about the room, ploughing his hands through his hair, much as a somnambulist might do who was having a bad dream.