Use "average deviation" in a sentence

1. The average deviation is ±0.02% (absolute).

2. Average deviation between actual and budgeted expenditure on administrative basis

3. Average deviation between actual and budgeted expenditure by economic classification

4. The method described is simple and little time-consuming. The average deviation of a determination is ±0.11% (absolute).

5. Addenda: Leaving out the highest outlier each, the average deviation of the rest of the bematists's measurements would be 1.9% with Pliny and 1.5% with Strabo at a measured distance of 1,958 respectively 1,605 miles.

6. Taking 2018 and 2019 together, the average deviation from the expenditure benchmark pillar amounts to 0.6% of GDP, while the average shortfall in the accumulated change in the structural balance would amount to 0.5% of GDP, thereby confirming a risk of significant deviation in 2019.

7. Taking 2019 and 2020 together, the average deviation from the expenditure benchmark pillar amounts to 0.7% of GDP, while the average shortfall in the accumulated change in the structural balance would amount to 0.6% of GDP, also pointing to a risk of significant deviation from the recommended adjustment path towards the MTO in 2020.