Use "autisms" in a sentence

1. "We believe a better term to use is 'the Autisms

2. Autisms may even reduce the political influence of the parent community

3. Autisms ir traucējumu spektrs, tāpēc, lai to apzīmētu, bieži tiek lietots nosaukums: autiskā spektra traucējumi (AST)

4. Singh’s Multiple Autisms is an important contribution to understanding the making of genetic models of thought in autism research and beyond

5. "Multiple Autisms is an important contribution to the autism literature and deserves to be read, not least by those conducting and funding genomics research

6. The Autisms, written by Mary Coleman and Christopher Gillberg, demonstrates that autism, like mental retardation, is a clinical presentation of numerous different diseases, many with genomic underpinnings.

7. As a community, we need to embrace all “Autisms." We need to recognize the child almost indistinguishable from his peers who knows an awful lot about Star Wars

8. Autisms ir attīstības traucējums, kas ietekmē bērna spēju sazināties ar citiem cilvēkiem (piemērā ar Robertu: saprast auklītes vārdus un žestus un atbildēt), iesaistīties saskarsmē (piemēram, veidot acu kontaktu, atsaukties uz savu vārdu, dalīties ar mantiņām) un …

9. Multiple Autisms offers a compelling examination of the Biosocial world of autism genetics and genomics, introducing readers to the array of social actors, organizations, technologies and materials that are involved in the constitution of the category of autism today.