Use "austereness" in a sentence

1. He thought that the culture of forestallment including austereness, plain and cautiousness in life.

2. A kind of men of practice discusses all days about benevolence, righteousness, loyalty, credit, modest, austereness and declination.

3. ‘The Austerity that one normally associates with courthouses is also quickly dispelled by the sight of a roaring open fire, a sight to delight on a cold, wet January night.’ Synonyms sternness , austereness, severity, strictness, grimness, seriousness, sombreness, graveness, gravity, soberness, stiffness, dourness, flintiness, stoniness

4. Despite its Chasteness a masterpiece of the high gothic.: GKGE-kiraumTrotz ihrer Schlichtheit ein Meisterwerk der Hochgotik.: Despite its Chasteness a masterpiece of the high gothic.: Trotz ihrer Schlichtheit ein Meisterwerk der Hochgotik.: Chasteness, austereness, self-chastisement, frigidity, cold.Activities: To do good things (e.g

5. ‘The Austerity that one normally associates with courthouses is also quickly dispelled by the sight of a roaring open fire, a sight to delight on a cold, wet January night.’ Synonyms sternness , austereness, severity, strictness, grimness, seriousness, sombreness, graveness, gravity, soberness, stiffness, dourness, flintiness, stoniness, steeliness