Use "at the money" in a sentence

1. As she walked, she looked at the money the shopkeeper had given her.

2. To look in astonishment or disbelief, typically with the eyes blinking: stood blinking at the money they found in the drawer; Blinked …

3. To look in astonishment or disbelief, typically with the eyes Blinking: stood Blinking at the money they found in the drawer; blinked at the results of the experiment

4. What is the benefit of Backdating ESO grants? ESOs are usually granted at-the-money, i.e., the exercise price of the options is set to equal the market price of the underlying stock on the grant date.

5. What is a Straddle Options Strategy? A straddle is one of the options trading strategies in which a trader buys or sells an at-the-money Call option and a Put option simultaneously for the same underlying asset at a specific point of time.