Use "at a loss" in a sentence

1. I'm at a loss.

2. I'm at a loss for words.

3. Stafford was momentarily at a loss.

4. We are now operating at a loss.

5. At a loss, Amiss stood there irresolute.

6. Lucie seemed at a loss for words.

7. They must sell the goods at a loss.

8. It'd been running at a loss for years.

9. Me at a loss to cool one's temper.

10. I'm at a loss what to do next.

11. His comments left me at a loss for words.

12. Tony had to sell the business at a loss.

13. Mary is at a loss what to do next.

14. The doctors were at a loss to explain it.

15. I'm at a loss as to what to say.

16. These can only be sold off at a loss.

17. Two of the mines are running at a loss.

18. The partners had to sell out at a loss.

19. The Dimblebys had been at a loss for words.

20. I am at a loss to understand all this.

21. I'm at a loss as to what to do.

22. But the great inventor was not at a loss.

23. Indeed, Joseph’s half brothers were at a loss for words.

24. Mary is at a loss what to say to him.

25. He seemed, for once,( at a loss for words .

26. 26 He found himself at a loss for words of consolation.

27. I'm at a loss to know how I can help you.

28. What does Bewildered mean? Baffled, confused, mystified, at a loss, or uncertain

29. Even if I am looking at you languidly, you are at a loss.

30. If it were not for your advice, I would be at a loss.

31. So he is at a loss as to what to do with him.

32. The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence.

33. Will to be afraid at a loss hold go come to walk over.

34. THE high priest and the rulers of the Jews were at a loss.

35. He is afraid that father is scolded, stay over to be at a loss.

36. Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death.

37. These troubles came along all at the same time that I was at a loss.

38. New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.

39. 68 synonyms for Confused: bewildered, puzzled, baffled, at sea, muddled, dazed, perplexed, at a loss

40. Scientists worldwide are at a loss to fully explain the sudden and drastic collapse of amphibian populations.

41. Little clusters of guests were standing about on the cobblestones between the houses, looking at a loss.

42. Your first name of Basra causes you to be quick-minded and never at a loss for words

43. The question was so unexpected that , for a moment , she was at a loss how to act up properly.

44. The party has had to bail out its merchandising section, Ecotrade, from party funds, whilst running at a loss.

45. When asked to describe what, exactly, ‘Camp’ means, designer Dame Zandra Rhodes finds herself at a loss for words

46. Whenever he put pen to paper he was at a loss for the right words to break the news.

47. Now I feel strangely at a loss in the leaving because I must bequeath what was never mine to keep.

48. 7 The party has had to bail out its merchandising section, Ecotrade, from party funds, whilst running at a loss.

49. He thinks this keeps him on his mettle, but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word.

50. They're why people in the housing market refused to sell their house -- because they don't want to sell at a loss.

51. 12 By now finances were brightening and whilst still running at a loss, this was entirely because of spending on improvements.

52. That is, Tutankhamen mausoleum in at first opens, in the grave had also discovered many tenths groups "are at a loss thing".

53. His two Adherents looked at each other, and at him, as if they were at a loss how to pursue the subject

54. Beaning in rear view for Futures Game MVP Cubs' Davis at a loss for words after hitting two homers in NL's win at Coors

55. In the Christian congregation, parents who are at a loss to handle suicidal tendencies may receive loving support and good Scriptural advice from the elders.

56. It was confirmed, during the investigation, that a large number of exporters were selling at a loss to the Community, indicating an aggressive pricing policy regarding the Community market.

57. People experiencing emotional Abandonment may feel at a loss, cut off from a crucial source of sustenance that has been withdrawn, either suddenly, or through a process of erosion.

58. This involves offering a basic product at a very low cost, often at a loss (the "bait"), then charging compensatory recurring amounts for refills or associated products or services (the "hook").

59. Still, I'm at a loss to think of another verb! I tried Anglicanize (not in most dictionaries) and vulcanize (takes lower-case), before finally settling on Hebraize, which isn't a great example, I'm afraid

60. Catholicisme Garden Beet painful reserve fleet matching network effect (n.) at a loss abnormal sensation, imaginary sensation, skin sensation with unknown cause consistance Dijunctive kriging zvyky flora Greek sculpture nasality Honeys زاناكس - دواء مضادّ للقلق …

61. All agog - Anaudic - aphasic - aphonic - at a loss - baffled - bemused - dazzled - floored - gauping - in awe of - popeyed - puzzled - shocked - staring - stunned 8 letter words beguiled - confused - dismayed - open-eyed - startled - wide-eyed - wordless 9 letter words

62. In order to hide serious financial problems, some businesses have been known to use fraudulent bookkeeping to overstate sales and income, inflate the worth of the company's assets, or state a profit when the company is operating at a loss.

63. Not Brazened-it-out, or wrapped-himself-in-pridefulness (the surest sign of struggle), simply free, by what conjunction of insight or ignorance I am still at a loss to imagine, from the universal misery of fitting-in - the-body

64. On the other hand, Allied aircraft pilots assessed the aerodynamic properties and performance of the aircraft much less favourably and were generally at a loss as to how their German counterparts were able to achieve the phenomenal number of successes.

65. 😳 Flushed Face Emoji Meaning A yellow face with raised eyebrows, a small, closed mouth, wide, white eyes staring straight ahead, and blushing cheeks.… 😶 Face Without Mouth Emoji Meaning A yellow face with simple, open eyes and no mouth, as if at a loss for words.

66. The Bible explains that humans are made in the image of a just and loving God and are able to live moral and good lives; evolution, with its emphasis on the struggle to survive, is at a loss to explain the human qualities of love and altruism.

67. ‘Payments were made instead to Courtiers to influence the queen's choice.’ ‘This cuts out the public, to be sure, but resembles the Courtiers in any royal government.’ ‘But the advisers, Courtiers, and generals that surround the throne are at a loss to determine what it means, much less what to do about it.’

68. ‘Payments were made instead to Courtiers to influence the queen's choice.’ ‘This cuts out the public, to be sure, but resembles the Courtiers in any royal government.’ ‘But the advisers, Courtiers, and generals that surround the throne are at a loss to determine what it means, much less what to do about it.’

69. Or "without spot" {m}, as the Septuagint render the word; without any just charge of inequality, or unrighteousness; such is God's way of providence, though sometimes his methods of providence are Cavilled at by wicked men, and murmured at by his own people: they are at a loss, at times, to reconcile promises and providences together, and to