Use "asymptotic" in a sentence

1. Asymptotic Perturbation Theory. Higher - Order Effects.

2. 7 Asymptotic orbital stability provides one route of dissipation.

3. Several asymptotic limits of the stability curves are analytically treated.

4. Asymptotical DAs We take the simplistic asymptotic form of the (normalized) D As:

5. The method rests on an asymptotic split of the angle variable into its algebraic and exponential parts.

6. Daniel Shanks Conjectured the following asymptotic equality, stronger than Cramér's conjecture, for record gaps: ∼ ⁡.

7. Based on the asymptotic homogenization method a global three - dimensional constitutive relation for viscoelastic FRC was formulated.

8. Asymptotic error expansions are shown to exist for Iterated Defect Correction (IDeC) methods applied to differential equations.

9. A general way to establish Lyapunov stability or asymptotic stability of a dynamical system is by means of Lyapunov functions.

10. Bootstrapping comes in handy when there is doubt that the usual distributional assumptions and asymptotic results are valid and accurate.

11. It probed links among asymptotic invariants of covering towers, algebraic invariants of residually finite groups and dynamical properties and invariants of profinite actions.

12. A class of nonlinear singularly perturbed elliptical problems with boundary perturbation are considered. The uniform valid of the constructed asymptotic expansion is proved.

13. The asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave has been established for the impermeable wall problem under small perturbation conditions and non-isothermal conditions.

14. This permits us to build a set of asymptotic states that can be used to start computation of the probability amplitudes for different processes.

15. The existence of co-exist periodic solution is investigated by using the bifurcation theory, the implicit function theorem and the method of asymptotic expansion.

16. 9 In this paper, a deformation theory of plasticity for damaged materials is proposed. An asymptotic expression for H near a crack tip is obtained.

17. Because the theory is "sick" for any negative value of the coupling constant, the series does not converge but are at best an asymptotic series.

18. 26 Through the asymptotic analysis of the crack-tip field, the exponents of singularity of stress and strain in interface static propagating crack-tip field were determined.

19. 12 The convergent property and convergent rate of parameter estimation error are analyzed . Some sufficient conditions are given to guarantee the asymptotic normality of parameter estimation error.

20. It carefully investigates thought background of proposing zero measure set, thought process of proposing asymptotic measure and rarefaction of proposing zero measure set, and influences on M.

21. The obtained characteristic ratio of mean-square radius of gyration and its temperature coefficients for the long Poly(dimethylsilylene)chains with side groups approach the asymptotic value of

22. It's illustrated how Input State linearization method is used to eliminate bifurcation so that no matter how the parameters change the system could maintain asymptotic stable equilibrium state.

23. For example, a descending curve that approaches but does not reach the horizontal axis is said to be asymptotic to that axis, which is the Asymptote of the

24. By the method of scalar Lyapunov function, this paper studies the asymptotic stability and unstability decompositions of a class of linear and nonlinear time-varying discrete large-scale systems.

25. Identification and Characterization of Novel Antimicrobial Adjunctives to Restore Susceptibility to Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae; Core B: Stanford Center for Reproductive and Stem Cell Biology; Asymptotic Problems for Stochastic Processes and PDE's

26. Agleam kolmiulotteinen, 3D asymptotic behaviour MD (medical doctor) tief إلقاء القبض ( على شخص ) of كائن غير عاقل او لا عقلانى quality assurance composer, song writer invoegverlies (fam.) to be on the make

27. From the mathematical point of view, the problem of Attainability of a terminal state (and of its stability) can be addressed by investigating the asymptotic behavior of solutions χ, G to (4.39).

28. Indeed, the Eltrans-functions, that the Author reckons, result to be of type having a time cours from zero to an absolute maximum (with «surtension»), up to asymptotic values of regime.

29. Cartelize (Amer.) all-equity discount rate asymptotic beech ekvivalentan ondoyer harvestman paronimi re private practice chalk piece ambush besondere Vertragsbedingungen ensamt hasty imprudente neven polymerized call sign; prompt accusai double-base junction transistor oration heed mistress posao so as to be impossible to regain, so as to be

30. Frequency table of patency categories for each of the 3 arterial segments Aorto-Femoro- Tibio- Asymptotic Patency Iliac Popliteal Peroneal Significance Cateogies Segment Segment Segment Total Level Category 5 6 50 91 147 .000 Category 4 8 28 40 76 .000 Category 3 19 15 18 52 0.779 Category 2 156 153 119 428 .052 Category 1 63 38 16 117 .000 TOTAL 252 284 284 820 Table 2.