Use "association treaty" in a sentence

1. Hence, the treaty was renamed the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC).

2. "Indo-Bhutanese Treaty".

3. Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is not obligatory

4. Svalbard Treaty grants treaty nationals equal right of abode as Norwegian nationals.

5. Acts adopted under the EC Treaty/Euratom Treaty whose publication is obligatory

6. - aid measures listed in an appendix to the Accession Treaty (the “Treaty” list);


8. Recalling also the signing of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba)

9. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an international patent law treaty, concluded in 1970.

10. Clauses in the subsequent treaty providing that it “shall not affect” the earlier treaty.

11. START and the ABM Treaty

12. The treaty is awaiting ratification.

13. Abbreviations: TAI, treaty-accountable items.

14. Welcoming the entry into force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba)

15. Treaty provisions Treaty Article # j requires: the achie vement of a high degree of price stability

16. The treaty restored Okinawa to Japan.

17. The World Clown Association is the premier Clown association

18. Welcoming also the entry into force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba)


20. The treaty was Abrogated in 1929

21. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM): 1972.

22. They have flagrantly violated the treaty.

23. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT): 1968.

24. I will sign no treaty, Senator.

25. The treaty was abrogated in 19

26. The treaty is to our advantage.

27. The United States and Bulgaria have a treaty on avoidance of double taxation and a bilateral investment treaty.

28. Draft has been accepted both of extradition treaty and a treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

29. Military planners tried to Circumvent the treaty

30. A defence treaty would also be signed.

31. The campaign helped bring about this treaty.

32. No political treaty could ever accomplish that.

33. Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.

34. The secret treaty is strictly hush-hush.

35. About Ats; Overview; Association Bylaws; Association Policy Guidelines; Board of Directors; Association Committees; Dues and Fees; Staff; Accrediting

36. The Allies abandoned the Treaty of Sèvres to negotiate a new treaty at Lausanne with the Turkish National Movement.

37. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) split into two opposing camps: a pro-treaty IRA and an anti-treaty IRA.

38. Both governments voted to Abrogate the treaty

39. The Senate ratified the treaty in 18

40. 14 Academician of China Photographer Association, Cochairman of Dalian Photographers Association.

41. The Basel Convention is a multilateral treaty

42. Subject: Agora on the EU Reform Treaty

43. (d) adopt the budget of this Treaty;

44. 1991, Maastricht: Agreement on the Maastricht Treaty.

45. 15 The treaty neutralized the small republic.

46. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

47. Aga: American Gaming Association (Washington, DC) Aga: American Gastroenterological Association: Aga: Arizona Golf Association: Aga: Anglo Gold Ashanti (South Africa)

48. The treaty ended the Anglo-Turkish War.

49. 4 The treaty neutralized the Black Sea.

50. Certain areas had been ceded by treaty.

51. The treaty gave fresh impetus to trade.

52. Both governments voted to abrogate the treaty.

53. They have transgressed the treaty of peace.

54. They called for revisions to the treaty.

55. Military planners tried to circumvent the treaty.

56. Alabama Bandmasters association

57. A peace treaty was signed in 1865 and a second agreement, the Medicine Lodge Treaty of 1867, guaranteed Arapahos a

58. Extradition Treaty H.E. DATO’ SRI ANIFAH BIN HJ.

59. More than 165 countries have joined this treaty.

60. The treaty is now a Cold War relic.

61. North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in Washington.

62. Association accessor methods

63. Externally, the treaty led to the United States-Japan Treaty of Amity and Commerce, the "Harris Treaty" of 1858, which allowed the establishment of foreign concessions, extraterritoriality for foreigners, and minimal import taxes for foreign goods.

64. Mine frequent itemsets, association rules or association hyperedges using the Apriori algorithm

65. Each Cooperating association has a Cooperating association liaison (CAL) appointed by the district superintendent to represent the state to the association

66. So, when you come to General Principles, general rules of interpretation of the treaty, these are actually part of the treaty.

67. Britain imposed an anti-piracy treaty, known as the General Maritime Treaty of 1820, on all Arab rulers in the region.

68. The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs © Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs 2019

69. This is a technical violation of the treaty.

70. The next prime minister could abrogate the treaty.

71. Such ambiguity is dispersed by the Maastricht Treaty.

72. Would such legislation jeopardize chances for a treaty?

73. 1946: Arab League members sign the Cultural Treaty.

74. Both sides have agreed to sign the treaty .

75. The subsequent 1842 Treaty of Nanking and 1844 Treaty of Whampoa allowed the establishment of the Shanghai International Settlement and the French Concession.

76. The majority of the Court avoided determining whether the first treaty prohibited a limited number of States from concluding a subsequent treaty.

77. In 1936, the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty was concluded.

78. They were in open violation of the treaty.

79. Arapahos and the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

80. 1806–1812: Russo-Turkish War, Treaty of Bucharest.