Use "as one man" in a sentence

1. Unite as one man.

2. They got united as one man.

3. We should unite as one man.

4. Undaunted, Athletico played as one man.

5. The... whole North arose as one man....

6. The whole nation is united as one man.

7. They were as one man against the decision.

8. They answered his question as one man.

9. They all gathered as one man at the square.

10. The crowd rise to their feet as one man.

11. The crowd rose to their feet as one man.

12. The staff speak as one man on this issue.

13. As one man, the delegates made for the exit.

14. The teaching staff speak as one man on this issue.

15. They will rise as one man to fight the aggressors.

16. They came forward as one man to welcome their leader.

17. The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.

18. Two men can do three times as much as one man.

19. Let us respond.Let us rise as one man in defence of our motherland.

20. I spoke to him as one man who had Coped with devastation to …

21. May all of us endure and stand solid in the faith, as one man.

22. They responded at once and rose as one man in defense of their motherland.

23. Thus all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, united as one man.

24. As one man sees another doing it, it creates an environment where it is okay.

25. So all the men of Israel, knit together as one man, were gathered against the city.

26. All our Party comrades have worked as one man and made marked achievements in every held.

27. So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.

28. 28 The whole nation speak as one man on this issue concerning national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

29. Battalion Commander: It's not the man in the fight, it's the fight that's in the man! Or in this case, the squad! You'll start off this game as one man lost on the battle field trying to shoot his way through waves of approaching enemies and as you continue you'll recruit snipes, soldiers, bombers, and heavy infantry! Build your squad and rush the opposing military with