Use "artillery fire" in a sentence

1. The artillery gave us covering fire .

2. The town is under heavy artillery fire.

3. Our artillery fire bombarded the enemy post.

4. The air base was under continuous artillery fire.

5. To patrol and ambush, call in artillery fire.

6. It also operates an integrated system for artillery fire campaign called "TRUENO", which enables it to direct artillery fire in an automated mode.

7. The artillery fire continued sporadically until 4:14 am.

8. The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire.

9. The artillery spotter brought down fire on the enemy warship.

10. The palace was formidable, with walls strong enough to withstand artillery fire.

11. Well, loud rock music can produce 120 decibels, and artillery fire 130 decibels.

12. 8 November: Thai artillery fire hit Nong Chan Refugee Camp, killing about 100 refugees.

13. Early in the afternoon they were dispersed by fire from three Dutch artillery batteries.

14. Artillery synonyms, Artillery pronunciation, Artillery translation, English dictionary definition of Artillery

15. Intense exchange of artillery and tank fire killed 30 civilians and injured some 300 persons.

16. Quickly thereafter the American infantry began taking mortar and artillery fire from the North Koreans.

17. But the elephants were stopped by rocket fire and the cavalry found it impossible to move against the sustained British artillery fire.

18. Enduring concentrated German artillery fire and Luftwaffe strafing and bombs, the French stood their ground.

19. The Swedes’ maneuvering and accurate, rapid artillery fire caused his troops to break and flee.

20. Bombardment ( n.) the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; Synonyms: barrage / barrage fire / battery / shelling

21. During the attack that indeed came that night, Gaucher's command post was hit by artillery fire.

22. It started off just with simple gunfire and then it got worse , with heavy artillery fire . "

23. A Bombardment is an attack by artillery fire directed against fortifications, troops, or towns and buildings.

24. Assailed the enemy with artillery fire When is it sensible to use assault instead of Assail?

25. The Counterscarp wall was built to protect the landward face of the fort from artillery fire

26. 607 Armored Field Artillery Battalion: 623 Field Artillery Regiment: 631 Field Artillery Brigade: 636 Field Artillery Battalion: 637 Field Artillery Battalion: 674 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion: 675 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion: 907 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion:

27. 10 On the first day they shell a village from long range with artillery and rocket fire.

28. The State Guard advanced under heavy Union artillery fire, pushing the enemy back into their inner works.

29. The Artillery air observers adjusted massed fire and performed liaison, reconnaissance, and other missions during the war

30. There we were pounded night and day by heavy artillery fire, and my company was being decimated.

31. 29 We learned to sleep through tremendous noises, such as outgoing mortar or artillery or machine-gun fire.

32. It came under artillery fire from the three South African brigade groups and was forced to dig in.

33. Artillery-fire and bombing began on Sollum airfield and barracks (which were empty), which raised a dust cloud.

34. In the Vosges, French artillery did not begin to fire until the two attacking divisions began to advance.

35. Align Helblaster on target and measure range. Roll the artillery dice for each barrel you wish to fire.

36. Trees and forests can be flattened by tanks or artillery fire, and the ground can become pockmarked with craters.

37. All the rounds fell short or over, and after corrections failed to improve the accuracy, the artillery ceased fire.

38. Weapons, direct and indirect fire artillery, and guns with a calibre bigger than 12.7 mm, their ammunition and components.

39. Artillery sense is 1916, from World War I French phrase tir de Barrage "barrier fire" intended to …

40. In military usage, a Barrage is massed sustained artillery fire aimed at a series of points along a line

41. Antiaircraft Artillery and Coast Artillery Brigades and Groups

42. He commanded an artillery battery, then an artillery battalion.

43. The Counterattacking troops may be supported by tank and air strikes and the fire of artillery, mortars, and other weapons

44. Bill Lucas, used the lull to call in artillery fire and F-18 Hornet bomber strikes on suspected enemy positions.

45. 1st Artillery Regiment (Light) Civil War Morgan's Light Artillery

46. Royal Canadaian Artillery: Heavy Artillirty based with the M7 Priest. Different modes, such as Overwatch, creeping barrage, and counter battery fire.

47. A Bombardment is an attack by artillery fire or by dropping bombs from aircraft on fortifications, combatants, or towns and buildings.

48. Explore Blockhouses, artillery batteries, a quartermaster’s building and numerous traverses used by troops to defend the fort from British cannon fire

49. The U.S. Army uses three types of mortar for indirect fire support when heavier artillery may not be appropriate or available.

50. And Republic of Korea (ROK) Marines send rounds downrange at Sanseori Range, South Korea during an Artillery barrage live-fire exercise

51. The first widespread artillery-based video game was Artillery Duel.

52. Once the leading wave of Japanese was safely ashore, the massed Japanese artillery switched their fire to the defensive positions at Kranji.

53. However, heavy preparatory Dutch artillery fire had the unintended effect of causing the Germans to abandon their plans for a night attack.

54. The 155mm SMArt 155, a Sensor Fuzed Munition (SFM) for 155mm Cannon Artillery, is a fire and forget Artillery round that is very effective in GPS denied environments and against targets with large target location errors (TLE)

55. In the days that followed, she provided neutralizing fire on beach defenses and picked off artillery which menaced troops landing near Scoglitti.

56. Running into a Japanese battalion hurrying south, Lieutenant Colonel Robert M. Fowler's 2nd Battalion, with Battery B, 149th Field Artillery attached, engaged the Japanese with much needed artillery fire, killing at least 50 and sending the rest fleeing.

57. Barrage definition, a heavy barrier of artillery fire to protect one's own advancing or retreating troops or to stop the advance of enemy troops

58. Barrage definition, a heavy barrier of artillery fire to protect one's own advancing or retreating troops or to stop the advance of enemy troops

59. They're inside the artillery!

60. The initial attack by Bauduin's brigade emptied the wood and park, but was driven back by heavy British artillery fire, and cost Bauduin his life.

61. Wikipedia ; Barrage (artillery) on Wikipedia

62. U.S. Marine and Army rifle, machine gun, mortar, artillery and direct canister fire from 37 mm anti-tank guns "wrought terrible carnage" on Nasu's men.

63. (CNP) Moving Artillery in the Alps (CNP) British Artillery hammering the German lines (CNP) Finding the range for the 75's (CNP) Camouflaged Artillery post (CNP)

64. Find another word for Artillery

65. Experienced Artillery officers could give

66. They have artillery, aircraft, tanks.

67. A long artillery duel followed.

68. They have tanks, horses, artillery?

69. Dutch batteries in the Hoekse Waard, despite dive bomber attacks, tried to destroy the bridge by artillery fire, but the massive structure was only slightly damaged.

70. The Culverin is a light artillery piece that is very effective against enemy artillery and ships

71. Field Artillery Tumbler Red 30 oz, United States Army Artillery, King of Battle, Custom Personalized Tumbler

72. It does not include siege Artillery, use of Artillery in fixed fortifications, or coastal or naval Artillery.Nor does it include smaller, specialized Artillery classified as small arms.

73. Artillery Soldier - Air Defence (Part Time)

74. The Artillery will also frequently roll

75. This is a heavy artillery piece.

76. DWM LUGER 1920 COMMERCIAL ArtillerY - C40404

77. MAUSER PERSIAN Artillery LUGER RIG - C32320

78. Artillery Sidewinder X1 V4 3d printer

79. Battery B, 526th Field Artillery, sir.

80. Artillery was deployed in the west.